Start from the beginning

"But why?  why kill if you are a carstairs?" Will said, just then Cordelia yelped and attempted to run away from the fire but Wei Lian pinned her down. she shook her head frantically and said, "I will not drink it, pleeaaaasseeee , it is bitter please, please" Wei Lian shook his head wearily and said, "Please Cordelia, if you don't take this now, you will be addicted to yin fen, just like...." He trailed off. Cordelia frowned and shook her head again, Just then Alastair came and took the medicine from Wei Lian and gave it to Cordelia, she whimpered but drank it without a word. And after drinking she threw the glass directly at Wei Lian who dodged it grinning a her. With that he produced a chocolate from his pocket and gave it to her, Cordelia took it and took a bite from it, and then she walked back to her place near the fire. Wei Lian joined them near the fire, the only one who was missing now was Mina.

"Back to my question", Will said, "Why kill if you are a Carstairs?". Jem looked at his parabatai "Carstairs bear Cortana, brother blade of Joyese and Durendal, the blade of mercy, made by Wayland the Smith" Jem, Cordelia and Emma said in unision. Then Jem continued, "For centuries Carstairs have used Cortana to banish greater demons from realms. Cortana can make a huge damage to them, once defeated, Greater demons cannot come back for a century or two. That is the reason Greater Demon Yanulo wanted all the Carstairs to disappear in the world. So that he can roam on Earth unbothered." 

 The others let the information sink in. Just then Mina came out doing whatever she was doing, and handed James his medicine. Turning to Wei Lian she said, "Before i forget, this belongs to you" and handed him the jade pendant that she  was wearing, Wei Lian said, "Keep it with you" Mina shook her head and said, "Papa gave it to you Will, Papa's parabatai gave this to papa, and before dying he gave it to you it belongs to you." With that she placed the jade pendant around his neck and sat down beside him. 

Everyone was quiet letting the information they learnt sink in.

After what felt like hours but really was just 120 seconds, James stood up and said, "I have to speak, with my parabatai,.......and.........rest of the merry thieves." James looked at Cordelia and smiled at her. It looked like they were having a silent conversation. Matthew, Thomas and Christopher stood up and followed James away from the fire. Once out of earshot, James turned to his friends and said, "You won't believe but Grace told me and Cordelia..." 

Cordelia watched as James smiled at her and went the other way. He was going to tell about what they learnt from Grace to them, for sure he was going to. Cordelia stood, more like jumped and stood up, cheerfully she said, "Anna, Lucie come with me, i have something to say you both." "If it is about the the truth you said was a lie and now realised is the truth, then i already know it" Lucie said sounding bored. Cordelia pouted at her . "What truth? what lie? what realisation? what? WHAAAT??!!" Anna said excitedely. Cordelia grinned and said, "come along" and the three girls went away from the fire, once out of earshot, Cordelia said, "You won't believe me but Grace told me and Cordelia..."

"WHAAAAAT" there was a whoot from the boys and Anna. 

*time skip*

Though it was shadow world, night did fall here, Cordelia thought. James and her were sitting on the roof of the cave assigned to them, where they wouldn't be bothered by anyone. She had her head supported on his shoulder. she looked up at him to look at his face. who knew he would be all hers? Sighing in content she placed her head on his shoulder again. In a distance she could see someone coming, it looked like 3 figures were heading towards her side. She sat up straight and pointed towards the figures to James. His eyes widened and he started to climb down the cave.

By the time they both climbed down, the three people they saw were already there.James saw that they were actually 3 girls. The first girl had brown eyes and brown hair, with some golden streaks in her hair. The second  girl was having raven black hair and blue eyes, just like his father, she even had a whip coiled around her wrist, just the way Isabelle had. And the third girl was a stark contrast to the second one , she had chalk white hair and golden eyes, the gold of her eyes was not as deep as his but more like Jace's . 

"Hello there" Tessa said kindly. They all turned in her direction and in unison they said, "Tessa! Thank the angel you're here" Tessa looked at them and said, "sorry do i know you?" The girls' face fell. Will stepped front and said, "Come and sit. we will tell you what is happening" the girls nodded and followed Will to the sofa set. Magnus was the reason for all of them living in a castle! yes, he used his magic and set up a big castle in middle of this world, ridiculous right? 

The girls' eyes widened at once when they were told about the timelines. They got to know their first names, the blue eyed girl was Ivanka, the one with gold eyes was Resin and the girl with brown/green eyes was Cashmia-she was a warlock. The three girls did not tell them which year they came from or their last names. No one seemed to notice it though, everyone was tired. Will, Tessa and Magnus took the responsibility to show the three girls their rooms. Mina and Will were long asleep so someone else had to take up the initiative. No one even mentioned that Mina and Will were in this world to the three girls.

Tomorrow was going to be a long day, Ivanka thought as her head hit the pillow and she slipped into a deep slumber. 

Alright i am so so so sorry for the update, i left you hanging in the last chapter and took 2 days to update it. I am sorry again! and oh Matillym , my lovely friend in the wattpad world, good luck to you. Be safe and sound, Cashmia here in the shadow world is going to face difficulties, but yet stay strong and safe. Even you sis, though your life is gonna be damn stressful from now on, DO stay strong and immune to COVID-19 , stay safe lovely 😘😘

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