The next morning Johnny was actually out of bed before 8 AM.

"Where are you going at this ungodly hour?!" I exclaimed, squinting in the sunlight.

"I have a meeting." He said while putting his shoes on.

"Oh Johnny Lawrence has a meeting, ladies and gentlemen!" I shouted, then laid back down and covered my face with the blanket.

"Hey." He said, pulling the blanket off my face.

"What." I whined with my eyes closed.

"I love you." He said, staring at me. He's acting weird.

"What did you do?"

"Nothing, I swear!" He said with a laugh.

"Mhm." I said, narrowing my eyes. He laughed again.

"I gotta go, I should be back in a few hours. If not, call the cops. Seriously."

"Aren't you on probation though?" I reminded him.

"Shit. Thanks for reminded me." He leaned over and kissed me, then got up and left.

I sighed and laid back down, enjoying the energy of the apartment. So peaceful.

I couldn't fall back asleep so I texted Amanda that I was coming over to get some of my stuff, and texted Johnny my plans.

Johnny🦖: Don't you dare try to lift a damn box, wait for me.

Me: I'm an independent woman!

Johnny🦖: Michelle please. Just wait.

Me: Don't worry I don't have a lot there anyways so I'll probably just go buy another duffel bag or two. You can lift all the baby stuff by yourself though ;)

Johnny🦖: Wink at me again and you'll be triple pregnant, woman.

Me: ;)

Johnny🦖: Oh you're ON!

I laughed and put my phone in my purse and headed to Daniel's. He was already up in my room, just sitting on the bed.

"I want this to be a safe place for you." He began, standing up.

"So please, just leave some outfits and things you can use while you're here. You can stay whenever you want." He handed me my own house key.

"You don't need to call to ask to stay, I even texted you the security codes. You and Johnny wanna come swim, do it. You wanna bring the kids for a long weekend, do it."

"But you're always gonna have me, no matter who you're with. I'm sorry." And he hugged me.

"I love you." I said with a sigh.

"Love you too, sis."

"Johnny is gonna come get the baby stuff-"

"No need, movers are packing it up now." He said.

"And we're still gonna pay for your appointments and the hospital bills, so no need to worry. I also transferred some more money onto your credit card-"

"Daniel, I have PLENTY!" I exclaimed.

"I'm not done. And I also already started your pay for the daycare, they're almost done building it, its connected to the dealership but also it's own separate space, I figured I'd make you salary at $50,000 a year, ya know teacher pay, so you can make your own hours. Hell you can even work one hour a week if ya want and still make the $50,000 a month-"

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