•| Assignment |•

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I entered the Big House, giving a small nod to the other criminals and made my way to the main office, to let my boss know that I had completed my mission.

Let me give you a short explanation:

10 years ago Mr. Park, my boss , had found me in the streets, back then I was 8. He had offered to take me in with him. I was scared so I didn't say anything. It was a cold night and I was completely lost. Though he understood that I wanted to come with him, when I hid myself in his large trench coat.

He was the father figure in my life that I never had. He took care of me, taught me right or wrong and how to fight, but he was also very strict. He had his rules and anyone who would break them would get what they deserved.

The number one rule he had taught me once I started a new life with him, was to never trust anyone easily. I was young, didn't really understand what he meant by ' not to trust easily '.

For me it was either I do or I don't.

Some may compare it to mixing colors, which I don't do. They think that the fine line is grey, not too much and not too little.

But that's not me. Black is black, and white is white. There is no in between.

So in my case, I decided to just not trust anyone at all.

The only exception is Mr. Park, no one else. And it will stay like that for as long as I live.

I knocked on his office door then entered when I heard a ' come in ' from the inside.

" Lee Know ! " he exclaimed in a happy tone then stood up from his chair.

" Mr. Park. " I replied then bowed. " I've completed my mission, Kim is dead. "

" Didn't even have any doubts. " he said then handed a file towards me. " Since you've finished this one, you can start a new one. "

I took the file then started to read about my new target. " A high school student ? Seriously ? "

" Kid I'll have you know that you yourself are supposed to be in high school. " he said as he sat down on his chair.

" Technically, I am. " I said and continued to analyze the file.

" Doesn't matter, you two are the same age so it'll be easy to get him to trust you. " he explained.

" But this doesn't even count as a real miss- "

" Lee Know. An assignment is an assignment. You will do as told, or else. " he said strictly.

I internally rolled my eyes then sighed. There was no point in arguing. " Fine, forgive me. " I said.

" When do I start ? "

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