Accidentally In Love on the Death Star (Miku X Kylo Ren)

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(Miku_girl_20 requested this one, where an accidental kiss on the destroyed Death Star on the Endor system during a fight, leads to a sudden romantic apology and of course, This stars Miku, a young scavenger. She in this is the cousin of former scavenger turned Jedi apprentice, Rey.)

3rd Person Point of View: The Remains of the Death Star, Endor.

On the Endor system, Rey's cousin, Miku, who isn't Force Sensitive, but a an amazing scavenger, was training with her quarterstaph weapon and blaster, was with Rey on the remains of the 2nd Death Star, which fell after the old war against the Galactic Empire ended 3 decades ago, and the victory was for the the Rebels. Miku was also working on scavenging for parts to sell after she got back to jakku after this. Rey was ready to fight in order to protect Miku from enemies from the First Order soon to be renamed the Final Order.

Scavenger Miku's Point of View:

The place where the old war ended

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The place where the old war ended... It's huge, I work as a scavenger, and I am looking to get the parts of the engineering of this superweapon that terrorised the galaxy during the Galactic Empire Era... The one the dreaded masked man, Darth Vader created with the help of the evil emperor sheev Palpatine. Of course, that wasn't how the story behind the war was told. I've studied galactic war history. Where my cousin and I come from, we scavenge parts of old war vehicles for sale for food, that was before Rey became a Jedi. What we bring back to Unkar Plutt, would be worth one quarter, one half or a full portion. Rey came with me, to find the emperor's wayfinder in order to go to Exegol to defeat her own flesh and blood once and for all. Only I knew along side her Dyad in the Force Kylo Ren, who she is related to biologically. I'm not Force Sensitive, though, she was, as she was Palpatine's granddaughter, I am just her cousin, a non Force user. Rey told me to run, as a certain masked man was coming right at us. He came right at me first. I reach for my quarterstaph and ready myself for a fight. He didn't activate his saber.... But he revealed his face by removing his reforged helmet with voice modulator. He had my cousin's old quarterstaff and began to spar with me.

Kylo Ren's Point of View:

I saw a young woman with my dyad

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I saw a young woman with my dyad. She looks so pretty, and I didn't want to mark her beautiful skin, so rather than getting my saber on, Rey gave me her quarterstaph. Before she did, I felt butterflies in my stomach, I think I must be falling in love with her... So I.... Threw my saber in the ocean.... And began to spar with this pretty woman.

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