Movie Night Tears part 1 (Charlie Barber X Jessica)

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(ValentineHeart14 requested: a X Charlie Barber imagine, if you need to know, Charlie Barber is the character portrayed by Adam Driver in the Netflix movie, Marriage Story. She requested a movie night with Charlie, but he trusts her enough to let him cry in front of her. Also, my character Leona, she's his younger art college sister in her junior year, she has a bright future in the Arts. Her name's Leona Rose Barber.)

Jessica waits for Charlie to come home, as his sister was already home from art college. She was reading this past paper on art history while she silently cried, again she was bullied by classmates all day, she cracked this time, with her classmates breaking her resolve. She needed to write a paper on art styles from the Renaissance period. She needed to write it as part of her junior finals.

2 hours later....

"Honey, Jessica, I'm home!" Charlie calls as he came through the front door. Jessica hugs him, and asked, "Charlie, how was your day at work?" Charlie replies, "Very productive, Jessica. Is my sister home?" Jessica nods, and she says, "she came home 2 hours before you, when she comes home, she usually studies art history. She's doing so now, her topic for her junior year finals is art from the Renaissance period. She was the only one who took that, everyone else picked the styles of painting." Charlie was proud of Leona for picking actual art history. Charlie smiles and says, "Jessica, want to order a pizza for dinner? Let's have a movie night, I really want to see lord of the Rings... it's Leona's favourite movie series asides from Harry Potter and Star Wars. Shall we?" Jessica agrees, and she calls pizza delivery from Charlie's favourite pizza place.

Meanwhile, in Leona's room, she slowly finishes her Art history revision, and notes for her final paper, and rather than watching a movie on her own, she sat on her bed, curls up on herself and she cries more.

Back with Charlie and Jessica....

Charlie was preparing the dvd player, and Jessica completed the order for a delicious pizza delivery. Charlie then sets the couch up. And puts on the third movie of The Hobbit first. The pizza delivery comes and Jessica paid for it, and she got plates and cups. She then sits down with Charlie, "I am so excited for this movie night Jessica... But I have a funny feeling that Leona isn't feeling herself of late.... She's not telling us what's wrong." Charlie says, and Jessica replies, "you're worried about her, that's why I love you like that Charlie, she's your sister after all."

When Charlie saw the scene when Thorin Oakensheild dies, he says, "I really liked that Dwarf, why?"

And on cue... (View the GIF below to show how Charlie's reaction is like at the scene.)


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