I'll be there for you (Alyssa X Charlie Barber)

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(xxlovelyfandomsxx requested a Imagine with Charlie Barber (marriage story) she's a close friend helping Charlie through his divorce with Nicole in LA, also Leona comes for comfort as well after a horrible break up with her boyfriend, now ex-boyfriend Marcus Lane.)

Alyssa saw the sadness in Charlie's eyes the moment she sees the salt water leaking from his eyes, Nicole had stormed out and back to her Los Angeles home. It was Charlie's night with his son, Henry. "What's wrong Charlie? Why are you crying?" Alyssa asks, Charlie looks down, feeling low and he replies "the argument earlier before you got here.... I argued with Nicole.... I said bad crap about her. And I regretted it and apologized, she left, after putting me on the sofa, to calm down... But I can't.... Henry's playing with his men in the bedroom, I think that he's worried about me...." Alyssa replies, "I can check in on him... I have a close friend who lives with her boyfriend, Marcus Lane... Nearby... But you are so important right now, you need to heal." Charlie nods and get some water to drink.

"Are you alright dad, you've went red in the face... Are you sure you are alright?" Henry, Charlie's son asked, Alyssa replies to him on Charlie's behalf saying, "he's a very upset man right now, but he'll speak to you when his tears stop... Come on, Henry, let's get you a snack." Henry smiled at his father in a very sympathetic way, and gets a snack in the kitchen. "Henry, my son, thank you for your compassion, before you have your snack, come and give me a hug.... ..." Charlie said to Henry and Henry just simply smiles back at his dad and went to eat his snack. "Such a great kid...." Charlie thinks....

Meanwhile with Alyssa's good friend, Leona, who lives 2 blocks away from Charlie, on the opposite side of the street is experiencing a violent, drunk boyfriend....

A violent slap made across Leona's face, and that was followed by Marcus's drunken insults, you see he came home drunk and always when he comes home this way, Leona is reading a book as one part of her leisure time. She loves literature on the whole. Then he throws the book away our of Leona's hands, and starts hitting her, and verbally belittled her as well.

"How dare you read that filth in my presence! You know Harry Potter and The Lord of the Rings is forbidden in my house! For punishment, you shall be in a whole world of hurt!" Marcus yells at Leona. "It wouldn't be forbidden if you hadn't been drinking heavily every night! I love to read! Those books are amazing...." Leona retorts. Marcus slapped Leona again, and answered, "if I find you reading this filth again, I will not just hurt you, I'll kill you next time, actually, there won't be a next time... It's over, I don't love you anymore, get out of here now! I need a drink." He storms back out to have a drink with his mates. Leona eyes were blurred by the tears building up in her eyes, the sparkle in her chocolate brown eyes had vanished, and her eyes were now very dull and have lost the shine. "That dick... throwing me aside like a kicked abused puppy....I don't have a home anymore." Leona thought, as that thought ran through her mind, a tear fell from her right eye, and she began to pack her clothes and books, and chargers for her phone and Samsung tablet, and called a taxi to Charlie's apartment. Leona cried all the way to Charlie's place. Eventually, her cries became sobbing. The taxi driver said to her, that her ride is on the house, and that he can help take her bags out the car for her.

"T-Thank you, driver." Leona hicupped through her sobs, and she walks to the door of Charlie's apartment and she knocked on the door. "I wonder who that would be..." Alyssa says, and Henry replies, "daddy, shall I get the door?" Charlie nods yes and Henry opens the door to reveal Leona, head down, in a dejected mood. "Daddy, it's Alyssa's good friend Leona.... She doesn't look too happy shall I invite her in?" Henry asks, and Charlie replies, "of course, show her how much of a good kid you are." Leona fell to her knees in her sadness, Henry caught her and hugs her gently. "My name's Henry, I'm here.... Come on... Let's get you out of the cold." Henry suggests. Leona nods as more tears leave her eyes. "Something tells me that Leona's has had a rough night, she looks upset, oh no...." Alyssa thinks.

Henry say Leona down on the comfortable sofa, and Charlie Barber comes in to the lounge and sees Leona sobbing quietly, he can feel the heartbreak in her. "Hey.... What's wrong? Why are you crying?" She couldn't answer. He gently looks at Leona and checked her for any injuries, and he saw 2 bruises on her face, both stinging from being slapped so hard. Leona then says whilst the memory flashback replayed in her mind.

"How dare you read that filth in my presence! You know Harry Potter and The Lord of the Rings is forbidden in my house! For punishment, you shall be in a whole world of hurt!" Marcus yells at Leona. "It wouldn't be forbidden if you hadn't been drinking heavily every night! I love to read! Those books are amazing...." Leona retorts. Marcus slapped Leona again, and answered, "if I find you reading this filth again, I will not just hurt you, I'll kill you next time, actually, there won't be a next time... It's over, I don't love you anymore, get out of here now! I need a drink." He storms back out to have a drink with his mates. Leona eyes were blurred by the tears building up in her eyes, the sparkle in her chocolate brown eyes had vanished, and her eyes were now very dull and have lost the shine.

"That's horrible! He broke up with you? Just because of your love for reading fine and fantasy novels? If anything, Alyssa, Henry and I will be there for you, no matter if the going gets tough." Charlie says, as a tear left his eye, which Leona quickly wipes away, and she asks him, "are you alright, Charlie? You look like you are going to be upset again...." He gulped and he tells Leona and Alyssa about the argument that he had with Nicole prior to Alyssa's arrival. 


Nicole:you're so merged with your own selfishness, that you don't identity it as selfishness anymore! You're such a dick!
Charlie: Everyday I wake up and I hope you're dead! Dead like, if I can guarantee that Henry would be ok, I hope you get an illness and get hit by a car and die!

Nicole:you're so merged with your own selfishness, that you don't identity it as selfishness anymore! You're such a dick!Charlie: Everyday I wake up and I hope you're dead! Dead like, if I can guarantee that Henry would be ok, I hope you get an il...

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End flashback.

"And you regretted saying that to her and you cried, and quickly apologized to her? I feel for you, Charlie... I really do. Alyssa and I will be there for you, Charlie, so will Henry... You can believe that." Leona says, as she allowed Charlie to cry in Alyssa's arms as she went to make coffee for her and her friends. "Leona's right.... Charlie.... We'll get through this together.... I guarantee thing will be better I promise...." Alyssa says to Charlie.

A few days later.... The divorce is now made official, and Nicole and Charlie settle on shared custody now that he's taken a residency in LA. Nicole drops Henry off with Charlie and she gives Alyssa her blessings to be with Charlie... As he was still emotional about the divorce still. The only one who hasn't fully recovered emotionally was Leona. She has been crying in her sleep for days.

Charlie says to Alyssa, "shall we head home, with Henry and check in on Leona? Henry likes her... We should let her stay with us permanently, and she is brilliant with Henry.... She shows her art to him." "Yeah let's go home Charlie, she needs us..." Alyssa replies and she kissed him, Alyssa promised Charlie that she'd never let him down ever.

(Wow.... It's amazing how I can remember the lines at the end of the argument Scene in marriage story, I do have a photographic memory.... It's the same with Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter.)

(Thank you for requesting xxlovelyfandomsxx)

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