Cheering Up Kylo\Ben for Christmas (Kylo Ren\Ben Solo X Jada)

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Here you go, surprise, _Princess_Pretty_ a surprise Christmas imagine, pairing you up with a softened Kylo Ren. Or in this case, Ben Solo. But we'll just call him Kylo.

Jada felt something was off due To the force telling her, she could hear the thoughts of Kylo Ren and he can hear hers. After all both Jada and Kylo were Force-sensitive. Dark Jedi on the first order Starkiller Base.

She had to find Kylo, he's the supreme leader of the First Order. Hux said to her, "you'd better go to Supreme Leader Ren. He seems off. And he had been looking like this for 5 days... If you heard his thoughts, go to him. Wait... I hear crying." Jada said, "I'm on it, general Hux, I think he's crying about something. Something he has done in the past." So Jada made it her mission to go and see if Kylo was alright.

Jada reached Kylo's quarters and sure enough she heard soft crying on the inside of the room. "Oh Kylo..." Jada whispered to herself, and the whisper alone caused Kylo to open his door to his living quarters. "J-Jada... Hello... Come on in. You heard my cries from the Force right, I'm s-sorry to let you see me like this.. the whole base is decorated for Christmas and I just don't feel festive... It was a great time of year when I was little. Me and my family would celebrate Christmas with Chewbacca and... Afternoon I turned to the Dark Side the First Order celebrate Christmas too but I just don't feel it this year." Kylo says as tears fell again. Jada wipes the tears away, and replies, "why? Why don't you feel festive this year?" "I thought of him... I'd help him put the tree up and helped mom to decorate it. After the last Supreme Leader forced me to kill my dad, I had to do it. But I had regretted doing it. I miss him so much..." Kylo replied. You had to try and sing a Christmas lullaby to him to comfort him and slow his tears.

Thank wookies it worked. And he stops crying, and he says, "thank you Jada. Let's go celebrate Christmas with the First Order. I thank my lucky stars you're with me and working for me. I promote you to personal assistant to the Supreme Leader, that's me. And my girlfriend as well. Thank you." Jada smiles and kisses Kylo on the lips and he kisses back. "There's another traditional thing I'd want you to try out Kylo. A miseltoe kiss. We kiss under a plant called miseltoe at Christmas. Is that ok?" Jada says and Kylo replied, "Yes we shall, it's my reward for you cheering me up. And a gift for you will come your way."

You smiled and he smiled back. You played Miseltoe and Wine for the entire First Order.

Kylo sang along with the song and surprised you as well. His happiness is back thanks to you and your comfort earlier.

That was for you _Princess_Pretty_ surprise!

Adam Driver Characters X Reader (Unisex) Imagines- All OccasionsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora