Family Part 2: the birth of twins 5 years later (Kylo Ren X Sky)

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Five years later, after successfully marrying her arranged partner, Sky could not be happier, and now she had Anakin, Ben and Leia, who are now 5 years old, and entering kindergarten, Leia toddles to Sky, and asks, "mommy, are you alright? You are so beautiful mom." Sky replies, "I'm alright, thanks Leia honey, go an get ready for kindergarten, and get your brothers ready." "Yes mom. On it!" Leia replies. Just as Leia went to get herself and her brothers ready for kindergarten, Adam comes in, and he says, "are our little warriors ready for kindergarten?" Sky replies, "Leia is helping Anakin and Ben get ready right now. Oh here they come now." In came Leia with her Paw Patrol Skye rucksack, with stickers of Astromech droid, BB-8 and Chewbacca on it (Oscar Isaac's Idea cos he's Poe Dameron, also, Harrison Ford's idea to have Chewbacca stickers on Leia's bag.), Anakin with a Darth Vader rucksack and Ben with a Kylo Ren Rucksack, the schoolbags were Adam's idea.

Adam calls to the kids to get in the car, and he took them to kindergarten, as Sky cleaned the house, and got the room ready with rose petals on the bed.

Adam returns, and he smells Sky's perfume. "Sky, you alright? I smell your perfume and rose petals... What are you doing?" He asked, Sky replies, how would like to try for a brother or sister for the children we have?" Adam smiles and says, "yes please, we'll be passionate to this music... (Cue the Imperial March, Adam likes this tune, as it makes him think about his star wars character's grandfather, Darth Vader.)

  (Still I'm no good at writing smut scenes. So skip to the end of the love session.)

"That was a beautiful session. You look so pale." Adam said, Sky replies, I think we may have been successful. I'll go check." Sky does so, and took a pregnancy test, and it's positive. Sky is pregnant again. The godparents Oscar, Daisy, Harrison, Domhnall, Natalie, Carrie, John and Hayden stop by. "Hey guys, how are you doing?" Oscar asks, and Adam replies, "great, thank you for asking, the kids are in kindergarten now, and as their godparents, they've grown fond of you all." Daisy said, "you're happy, Adam... Is there anything else you need to say?" It was Sky who replies, "were expecting again. I just tested positive for pregnancy again." The godparents congratulate Sky and Adam. "Hey, it's time for the kids to get home from kindergarten. Shall I get them for you?" John Boyega asks, and Adam replies, "please, they need to know."

Time skip

8 weeks in to the pregnancy.

Leia, Ben and Anakin came home and tidily put their schoolbags away, and washed up for dinner, which it was Adam's turn to cook, and it was a four cheese Mac and cheese, his family favourite from childhood. His take for the four cheeses he used was cheddar, pepper jack, Monterey Jack and mozzarella cheese. (What the dish looked like.)

"Daddy, that smells good, is that Macaroni cheese?" Anakin asked and Adam replies, "yes it is, but it's my family spin on it, four cheeses

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"Daddy, that smells good, is that Macaroni cheese?" Anakin asked and Adam replies, "yes it is, but it's my family spin on it, four cheeses. Mozzarella, Pepper Jack, Monterey Jack and cheddar." Adam serves dinner, and everyone got a good portion of Macaroni cheese, and Sky smiles and says "after dinner, daddy and I have news." "Eat up kids." Adam says.

After dinner, the dishes were cleared up by Anakin and Leia, and placed in the dishwasher. And all the family went to the sitting room, to have a chat.

"Daddy, is mommy ok?" Ben asks and Adam replies, "this is what we need to talk about, son, you see, we went to the doctor today while you were at kindergarten, we're happy to announce that we are having twins. A boy and a girl. You going to be getting 2 new siblings." Leia, Ben and Anakin cheered, and Anakin says, "I always wanted a little brother and sister.... I mean, Leia, Ben and I are close." Ben said, "wow mom, I can't wait to meet them." Leia says, "I have the two perfect names. For the brother, we have to call him Luke James, and for the sister, Rey Lucinda. What do you think mom, dad?" Adam replies, "Sky? Do you like Leia's name suggestions? I love them. Luke James has a nice ring to it, as does Rey Lucinda." Sky smiled and said, "those names are perfect Leia. You're going to be a great big sister, as your brother's will do great with them as well."

A few months later.... Sky goes into labor, and as the kids were with their godfathers, John Boyega and Domhnall Gleeson in the waiting room for the arrival of their siblings. Domhnall says to little Leia, "you look so much like Adam, but you have your mother's smile. Anakin you look so much like your mother. Hair and have your father's looks, so do you, Ben." The kids all giggled in thanks.

After hours of delivery, the twins are born. The girl came first, Adam holds her once she had her umbilical cord cut, and cleaned, and the boy comes now, and they do the same to him and hand him to Sky. The nurse asked, "hi, again you two, what's the names for the twins, we'll get their birth certificates ready." Adam says, "were naming the girl first, her name's Rey Lucinda Driver, and our newborn son will be called Luke James Driver." "Thank you Mr Driver, there's the birth certificates for them.

Adam surprises Sky singing to her, singing a song by Robbie Williams, (angels)

Adam says after the song, "my family, I'm lucky. I'm loving angels, my angels are my family. Rather than hating, I'm loving angels instead.

Anakin, Ben and Leia meet Rey and Luke and they are so thrilled to have a new brother and sister in the family. The love of children makes a family stronger.

(Fitzgirl22 there you go. Part 2.)

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