Tears at Christmas (Clyde Logan X Leona)

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Something wasn't right, Clyde thinks, he was correct, Leona has been feeling low and angsty of late, and at Christmas too.  Because she was bullied by patrons at Clyde's bar 6 days ago. But this wasn't the case, the sadness was that of a loss a few years ago. The loss of a family member really hot her harder than a tonne of bricks. He had his home decorated for Christmas but Leona wasn't feeling festive at all.

He hears a sad lion king soundtrack from the bedroom he shared with Leona, followed by silent crying. Clyde was worried about Leona and he decided to knock the bedroom door, so not to startle Leona, Leona calls "Clyde, come in. I need to vent a little bit... I need your assistance to cheer up. I can't sit and cry on this joyful time of year." Clyde says, "you're mourning, just take your time darlin' I'll stay by you and comfort you, it's ok... Hey I cry sometimes when I think about my predicament involving the use of this artificial arm... You're not alone." Leona replies, "Clyde Logan, that doesn't define you, nor are your thoughts. It's your choices you make." That's exactly what Leona's  last late family member said before she passed away, the way Leona said it made her cry again, and Clyde pulled Leona in for a comforting hug, as a small tear escaped from Clyde's eye.

After a while, Leona heals emotionally enough to join Clyde in the decorated sitting room and was greeted by Jimmy Logan, Clyde's brother.

"Clyde, why is Leona's cheeks stained and red? Is she alright?" Jimmy asks and Clyde had to put Leona back in the bedroom, and put headphones in her ears and played music whilst Clyde and Jimmy argue.

"Jimmy, she's been crying you idiot, mourning her last fallen family member that passed away, she's a little bit sensitive. I was there for her." Clyde shouts, and Jimmy retorts, "oh yeah? She vents to you and you comforted her yeah?" "At least she can talk about it to me, Jimmy, she's not alone. She is beautiful and arty, you upset her further, you'll have me to answer to." Clyde says. "She's such an emo. An emo artist with a music taste only an emo would like." Jimmy says. Clyde gets intense and retorts, "she's not emo Jimmy, sure she gets a bit of an aura of angst every now and then, but she's not emo. Hell she's never self-harmed in her life. She puts her feelings on paper or she talks about it to me. She's just got a soft-spoken nature because of bullying."

Even though Leona was listening to music, she heard Jimmy's insults and started crying again, only a little more louder and more broken. She puts on her favourite Evanescence song, 'My Heart is Broken' and cries to the song. "Jimmy, now look what you did! You made Leona cry worse than earlier.... If you can't be nice to her, get the fuck out!" Jimmy made a run for it and went home.

Clyde let Leona out the room, and she looked so broken, emotionally, and Clyde just hates seeing Leona live in pain and sadness, and he wishes for her to be happy.

Leona was comforted by Clyde all night and her tears stopped because of Clyde's whispers of comfort, and she noticed Clyde's brother got on the naughty list this year and it was Christmas Eve as well.

Eventually, because of the crying, Leona fell onto a deep sleep in Clyde's arms after a while.

Adam Driver Characters X Reader (Unisex) Imagines- All OccasionsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora