Chapter 22: Long Live the King

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Chapter 22: Long Live the King

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Chapter 22: Long Live the King

Freddrick eyed the counsilers wearily. It was late, he was tired, and there were several faces watching him that he desperately wanted to punch. 

Still, he had already yielded to their demands more than he had wanted.

"I will not back down on this." He said firmly, causing a collective groan to escape the men around him.

"But Sire..?" Councilman Mayweather began.

"I'm quite serious." Freddrick interrupted. "The Royal Nine are the King's guard, each group specializes in it's strengths, we should not have those strength torn apart monthly just to keep our waters safe. We need a specialized naval division."

"We simply don't have the resources to hire and train enough new men for three ships." Councilman Frader commented.

"Which is why I like would like to recruit men from the Royal Nine, the patrolling guard, and the commons as well."

A collective gasp sounded when he mentioned using the commons.

"There are some exceedingly skilled merchants in this country that would benefit from the raise in social status, and we in turn would benefit from their knowledge."

"It's quite radical to place such trust in those that are..." Councilman Mayweather paused to choose his wording carefully, "depreciated in social circles."

"Councilman," Freddrick warned, before hearing his side door click open. He had to wrap up his current meeting quickly. "I don't much care if our sailors grew up eating fish or fish eggs. I want men that will out sail anyone who dare abuse our waters. I want men that share pride in their work not their peregrine. You," he said with a wave, "are dismissed, all of you get out of my sight."

The five men looked at him cautiously, but began to file out of the room.

"A word of caution Sire." Councilman Creatin warned, pausing for a moment. "Your ceremony isn't until tomorrow morning, try not to completely alter the Kingdom before then."

Before Freddrick could interject, the Councilman closed the door with a resounding and definable thud.

The room was silent for a moment, as Freddrick James Lyonal placed both hands upon the desk in front of him and sighed in frustration. He took a few calming breath before turning towards the person that had materialize behind him.

"Did she believe you?"

Creatin, guard of Three, leaned against the wall, cleaning his nails with a small dagger. He didn't look up at the question. "That was a terrible plan." He mocked. ""Wake up the love of your life from a dead sleep and have a complete stranger tell her she's in mortal danger. Ha." His voice turned solemn. "You should be the one to tell her."

Freddrick's hands tensed in frustration. "I can't tell her." He reminded,  "I'm being watched." He motioned towards the main doors. "I can't leave this room until tomorrow, and by then it'll be too late for me to tell her anything." Freddrick continued his rant not hearing the familiar click of a person entering the side door. "Russell's on a ship and any letter I sent could be intercepted by those against us. That's why I sent you, personally. The bobble was the only thing I could think of that wouldn't give you away if others caught on to what we were up to. When you told me that her own people plan to attack her carriage on the return to Rramnon, I acted. I sent you to her so that to you explain to her as you did to me. I just," He paused again, and forced himself to unclench his fists. "I need to keep her safe."

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