Chapter 16 - Mind of a King

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Chapter 16 _ Mind of a King

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Chapter 16 _ Mind of a King

King Heralf grinned as he read and reread all of the letters that had been delivered to him. If his calculations were correct then King Griggory's Champion Ball was just a few more days away.

He had received his daughter's official notice several days prior to the page that was currently in his hands. It stated that she had been invited to the Champions' Ball as the Trade King's personal guest and as such she would not be returning to Rramnon along with Sir Aaldrick. The letter was brief and did little to put his uneasiness at bay.

Thankfully his informants in Terrafeuw had kept him better notified on Princess Gwenwyn's accomplishments.

The latest letter caused him great joy.

She dined with the Trade King on nearly a daily basis in a private luncheon chamber, and prior to the letter's arrival, she had spent each Day of the Tournament in his presence and under the watch of a Royal First.

The news thrilled him.

His plan was coming together more perfectly than he could have imagined.

If Princess Gwenwyn continued to be a distraction, then his men in Terrafeuw would remain undetected and his plan to seize the Kingdom by righteous force, would be one step closer to becoming an actually.

He couldn't believe she was performing so well.

His letter to her at the beginning of the journey after all had been a complete hoax. Her feminine gullibility alone was the reason for it succeeding. Convincing her that the plan relied solely on her performance, was too easy. The very idea that he'd task the securing of Terrafeuw to her was laughable. She was an aspect of his plan to be sure, but she wasn't playing the role she believed she was.

There was little chance that she'd actually managed to marry the Terrafein King. Too many precautionary steps had been taken.
After all, Heralf was the Militant King.

He'd be the one responsible for acquiring Terrafeuw, and he'd do it with his own hands.

King Heralf just needed his daughter to stay in Terrafeuw until he deemed necessary.

King Heralf just needed his daughter to stay in Terrafeuw until he deemed necessary

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