Da ja vu

111 4 0

Day 11, I find myself walking to the local shop in my joggers I bought and a strap top to use the cash register. I see him. my eyes widen. My legs disobey and freeze. my blood grows into jelly as His eyes connect with mine. for a few seconds,they look so sad but soon he turns away and carries
On walking like a stranger again.

I start to get angry and my vision gets blurry with tears. My hands shake. Why am I crying? This is crazy! Why would I cry over a over controlling idiot who likes to kidnap girls?!

With out a second thought I gallop in the direction that Tyler took off in. The local supermarket.

It's time to get some answers and show that stupid over possessive deck that I am not a object. I am Emily and I will not be treated like a invalid or be abused.


His back was turned, facing the bread counter as I finally found him through the various isles.
"Tyler!" I shout, panting for air.
He turns around.
Somthing inside switches and everything inside me screams for me to run to him.

so I did.

Tyler dropped the basket and caught me with ease. I wrapped my legs around his waist as his lips caught mine and with his, they danced.

I pulled away, blushing.

"We're mates?" I breathe.
"we are" he laid his head magainst mine.
"Come home?" He begged softly, watching my eyes drift. I pull my head away and nod slowly. A wide grin stretched across his face.

The end :)

Stop,look and screamDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora