Riding solo

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"Eeeeeemmy babes wake up" Diana's singing pierced my ear drums. I moaned, pulling my hood down to look out of the window at our location. white thick frost sprinkled over the surface with clear ice as a top base. The lake had stop running and now stood still, creating a hard top for leaves to fall on from autumn. The chrisp cold atmosphere sent shivers down my spine and the bright sun reflected from the snow and into the car, making it hard to see ahead.
"How long we got to go?" I peered up, using my hands and protection.
"About five minutes if not that. Here use this b'cause it's gonna be chilly out" a grey woollen snugg threw itself onto my lap. I buried my hands into it, shoved my head through then scooped up my long auburn hair, throwing it down my back.

The car swerved into a lonely patch behind a set of large conifer trees which were planted into the snow. We all removed ourselves and closed the doors almost in sync and then gathered before the opening. Diana nudged my arm, pointing the trail of dribble down my face and chuckled at my pink bruised cheeks. quickly swatting my sleeve over as a mop, I followed them around the corner.
* I know this bits ironic but hey can't Blame me for liking this idea!*
A faint cloud of fog faded into the distance and introduced a fascinating enchanted castle look-a-like along with about half a dozen cars parked outside. There was over 10 acres behind viewable from the distance behind the building.

"Aghahaha shut ya mouth!" Diana cracked up laughing whilst clinging onto her boyfriend. I frowned at her unexplainable behaviour and felt my face for any signs of dribble. My independent mouth had hung itself open slightly.
"Yeah yeah, let's go" I mumble, uncomfortably and trudge after them with umph.

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