Naked dresses and ten inch heels

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Emily's dress at the top

My first vote on this book! Thaaank you!:)


I slam my work badge into my car door pocket and screech onto the road, singing along to Taylor swift. 'Shake It off'

By the time the song ended I was a little less stressful from todays events and my relaxed ora returned.

I sighed and turned in my drive way, seeing Olivia glaring impatiently.

"Emily!!! Come on move it! I've been waiting ages!" Olivia groaned, standing up from the doorstep as got out of my car.

"Olli... it's what..." I peer down at my watch.

"3:50... You're early." I unlock the door and step back from my bull like friend, charging inside.

"So..... Get your ass upstairs! I brought make up and...THE DRESS and... SHOES!" Olivia squealed shoving a heavy box into my hands and a New looking bag, pushing me up stairs eagerly.

I screamed as Emily snatched my arm and pulled me into the bedroom again,shoving a dress into my arms and demanding me to change.

"I'm showering, get changed and brush your hair." She smiled and skipped away.

"Bipolar much?" I laugh and begin to change after the door slammed behind me.

Olivia pov

"Emily?? Are you done?" I sigh, opening the door anyway.

"Olli! I'm practically naked in this dress! Look!" she turned around, pouting to her whole back revealing her tanned flesh.

I laugh at her obliviousness.

"It's meant to be like that Em. You don't go out enough and you ain't gonna loose your v card if you continue to dress like a nun." I deadpan

"Hey! No disrespecting nuns!" She growled, turning side to side in the mirror with horror.

"Come on simba... lets change you into a lion." I mock and push her onto the stool and start to attack her with the curling tongues.

"You know... It's not like I have to look like a supermodel. I will only go for a hour... Show my appearance and then leave. I don't partying like you." Emily moaned.

"If you moan one more time, you're wearing the six inch heels I brought!"

Her mouth slapped shut and I grinned, Turning off the curling tongues.

"Now... for the make up!" Emily looked at my mischievous smirk and shied away.

"No please!?! I don't need makeup! It smudges and I get panda eyes and I look like a concrete mixer!"

Emily shuffled uncomfortably, biting her lips.

"Shut up Emily... I will make you wear the heels if you don't shut up." I taunt, earning a growl.

Emily pov

Her hands attached themselves to my face, making me feel like a dog in a poodle parlor.

"All done" I winced and turned around to face the mirror.

My face softened and I smiled genuinely

"Wow I look kind of... Nice." I breathe

Her mouth dropped.

"Nice? That's all I get? Nice. You look hot girl... You make me wanna swap sides." her eyebrows wiggled suggestively and laughed, beginning to change.

"You're coming too?"

"Yeah... Couldn't let you go alone, you never would've gone unless I make you." She laughs, making her long blonde curls bounce.

"Yeah you're probably right."

"Why couldn't I've worn that Olli? It shows less and not to mention attracts less attention!" I whine.

"You need more attention than me. I'm the human definition of a slag... You're the opposite honey. " she laughs, leaning into the mirror and begin to apply her make up.

"I'm not wearing heels Olivia! I can't walk in them"

"Yes. Yes you are Emily May. I brought my four inch ones especially for you."

I frown and spin around.

"You have four inch heels? Since when did you wear anything less than five?"

"Mom dragged me to Uncle Carl's wedding last year and she made me buy a pair of small black heels... luckily we're same shoe size and dress size which makes us Perfect besties!" The mascara she had applied made her eyes pop out vivid green.

I laugh at her sour face and collect the heels off the bed and shoved my phone in my bra, along with some emergency cash.

"Come on Scott's waiting for us... That's if he's here. If not We'll take my car."

"Yeah, how do I look?" She smiles, turning around slowly.

"Gorgeous!" I grin, grabbing her arm and pointing to the stairs.

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