Giant spiders and hot icecream

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Image of Emily


Emily (Lucy hale)- main character, flat mate to scott.

Scott (David henrie)- gay best friend

Tyler- alpha and Emily's mate

Eric- beta and alphas best friend

Harry- colleague of Emily

Diana- Eric's mate

Gemma- Diana's best friend

Carlos- third in command and Gemma's mate

Angus- alphas father

Sabrina - alphas mother

Olivia- colleague and close friend


Alright peeps, lets get voting and don't forget to check out some of my other books!

Partially Edited by jewlz1009


The murderous sun shone into my room which surprisingly didn't melt the windows! I stretched my arms into the air and peered into the garden. Short, thick grass filled the area, shaping the flower beds edges and sides.. I sighed sleepily and rubbed my eyes.

"Aaaaaaaaghhh!!!" A High pitched scream echoed from the kitchen.

"Aaaaaaaaghhhh!!!" The scream sounded again. with wide eyes, I launched out of my bed and darted downstairs with my red wooden baseball bat.

"I'm coming scott! Save the ice cream!" I holler.

I paused at the sight... Scott was on top of the work top and pressed against the wall almost trying to climb it. His high pitched squeal belted again and he turned to look at me.

"What's the matter Barbie, broke a nail?" I deadpan.

"No. There's a eight legged thing that tried to kill me! Are you going to help me or stand there and watch it eat me?!?" he puffed, pointing at the tiniest spider I've ever seen.

"What are you doing?!? It'll eat you and take the ice cream too! O.m.g a world full of spiders and hot smoking ice cream!" He says as the spider moves closer.

"The whole idea of ice cream is that it's cold! The key word is ice!" I say as I pick the spider up and let it free out of the window. Scott jumped down and straightened out his posture, becoming less feminine.

"Emily! You didn't see any of that. Freak over." He blushed and casually walked out.

"You're such a puff sometimes! If you get me some pop tarts from the shop then no one at work will know about what just happened!" I shout, smirking victoriously which in return Caused Scott to pelt back into the kitchen.

"You wouldn't?!"

"Wouldn't I? You owe me for the other night. When you tried to pull that straight guy. The girl sure was gonna do a number on you if i hadn't hauled your drunken ass back home!" I smile in victory. He sighed and grabbed his wallet from the side.

"You're such a bitch sometimes!" He muttered, grabbing his jacket and checking his hair in the mirror.

"Oh I know girlfriend." I fake mocked, adding a pout and a model pose.

"You'll never be as good as me girlfriend! Oh no you didddnt." he strutted up to me and snapped his fingers. With a chuckle I pushed him away and jogged upstairs.

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