Pet are you domestic?

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Snort. Puff. Whine?. Growl.

Shallow breathing echoed from above.

I pried my eyes open, coming face to face with a pair of green bold eyes. It's grey fur shaped it's face, giving it a well defined and sharp features. They held uncertainty, concern and coldness. almost as if they showed human feelings and expressions.

"Don't move, doll " the man from earlier, called out. He leant against the wall casually with his arms crossed.

I ignored him, shuffling against the wall and further away from the wolf.

The wolf stepped away as if sensing my discomfort and sat in the opposite corner, observing quietly.

"How long have I been here?" I coughed, sitting up on the air bed and wrapped my blanket tighter.

"A day. you've been out like a light... It can do that to a person when they've been through crap. hell, if I looked like what I've been through.. i would be one ugly mother fudger" he chuckled.

Awkward silence...

"I'm Eric..."

More awkward silence.

"You know man, you should really shift. you're startin to freak the girl out"

The wolf snapped his head up and growled. His dark eyes shifted to mine as if asking for permission. Strangely my head nodded on its own then returned to the door where the wolf had gone to. He looked over to me again and then trotted out of the door.

"Hey, so you wanna eat?" he grinned sheepishly. I nodded, getting up and wrapping my blanket closer.

Eric pointed to the door and I apprehensively followed out.

"That's the bathroom on your left and down the hall there are bedrooms and studies."

I nodded.

"Do you talk or are you gonna be mute to be awkward?" he asked, annoyed at my ignorance.

"I talk. when I have a purpose or when they deserve to be talked to" I mumble, brushing past him.

"Why did I get stuck with babysitting a female. the things I do for that asshole" he growled under how breath.



Once we headed downstairs, he showed me the kitchen and introduced me to a lovely lady.

"Sabrina, this is emily..." Eric pointed out.

"Oh gosh, look at you! You idiots threw her in that omega room haven't you?" Sabrina pinned him With her furious glare, making him cower slightly.

"Tyler made us or we would be punished. I couldn't go against my alpha sabe, he'd send me rouge" he cowered, cringing slightly at her fixed glare.

"What would Dianna say about this if she knew? huh?"

Eric mumbled Something inaudible.

"Yeah thought so! get yourself up those stairs and get some clothes for this poor girl. while your at it tell my son to get in this house within thirty minutes or... he doesn't wanna know the conveniences." Sabrina spat, shoving him roughly.

Eric nodded, disappearing out of the pine varnished door looking as if he had his tail between his legs.

"Now! let's get you Something to eat sweetie pie. ummmm... do you like... bacon sandwiches?" she grinned, taking my hands in hers and pulling me to the table.

"uh yeah please, if it's not too Much trouble" I answer cheekily.

"Oh tish tosh! nonsense. you make yourself at home and I'll fix you up with a bacon sandwich shortly" with a grin, she pulled out frying pan and begun cooking.

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