Fly low aim high.

130 7 0

Emily's pov

Scott's and Olivia's murmuring zoomed into my ear drums. I shifted groggily and sat up. Olivia shut up, helping me sit up. we were in a tatted back seat of a car. A blue cotton blanket hugged my shoulders loosely, keeping the warmth contained and a loose plait swept my long Luggy locks down my back.

"What's happening?" I asked.

Scott and Olivia share distant frowns, making me snap.

"Just tell me! or god help me, I'll get out and haul myself to...i don't know where" I scream.

Olivia blurted out a load of nonsense.


I frown, looking up at Scott for a translation.

"We're being followed. I had to speed right up and loose them. were at the back of a subway at a service station. we have to make a run for it" Scott stressed, turning the car off.

"I need ladies things. so can't we go to shop and then make a run for it?" Olivia whined.

I slapped a hand over my head and deadpanned.

"Olivia, seriously. this isn't the time to be having a period crisis..."

"I'm sorry!" Olivia cried out.

"Right borrow me your hoodie scottness!" I snapped, holding my has out impatiently.

Scot sighed, handing me his grey adidas hoodie and a ten pound note.

"We gonna have to leave our stuff. Scott, put passports and money in your pockets... you too oli. Meet me out front. there's a taxi stand, we'll catch a cab into the city" I slammed the door.

Scott wound the window down at my tapping.

"If I'm not there in twenty minutes, leave without me"

I turned on my heels,ignoring the protests. I pulled my hood over my face and trotted around the front of the station and into the store.

"Olivia why on a day like today?" I muttered, grabbing a packet off the self along with a bottle of water and mouthwash.

What? I've got to have clean teeth or else i can't function correctly. yes, I know I'm a strange person, but hey it's me. gotta love me eh?

I got around isle three and Two hulks blocked my exit.

"Excuse me" I smiled sweetly.

"Sorry sweetheart, you're coming with us"

the shorter guy took the items from my arms with a struggle whilst the large guy gripped my arms, forcefully leading me to the exit of the store.

"Oh my god, it's Grinch in a dress" they both snapped their necks to look, letting my arm slide. I bolted around the corner and headed to the car.

Once I climbed in, scot started the car and jerked out of the car park.

"Two creepy hulks tried to man handle me! they fell for the grinch in a dress thing" I burst out laughing but cough exploded and I sounded like a dying whale.

"O.m.g stop like now!" Olivia screamed,

Scot yanked the breaks sending us swirling into a wall, stopping a centimetre away.

"Wolf wwwwolf." she whispered.

"Scot stay here" I climbed over Olivia and got out of the car. Olivia followed along with Scott.

Olivia's high pitched scream pierced my ear

Drums, making me squint in pain.

"What now?"

She slapped a hand over her mouth and slowly pointed.

I stopped and froze.

Turning around slowly I looked up at the grey beast.

And then I screamed.

Olivia shot back to the car.

Scott moved slowly, gently grabbing my arm. The wolf snarled, stalking forward a couple of steps. scot swiftly grabbed my arm again! sliding my frame behind his and stepped back! pushing me, every step he took.

Once we reached the car, a man appeared from the trees.

"I suggest you don't get in that car sweetheart. He'll attack your friends." I took Scott's hand, earning a growl.

"Let go of him and come towards me." he beckoned with his hand.

I nodded, moving away from Scott and side stepping to the man, watching the wolf's moves. He simply sat down, eying Scott once the man lead myself behind his back.

"Go. here, your friend will contact you once she's settled in." a flip mobile was thrown at scot who caught it instantly.

"You can't do this! you're all crazy! Emily, come on" he cried out frustratedly.

A group of wolves emerged, circling around me and the man. all eyes on Scott and Olivia in the car.

"Scott ill be alright"

His head snapped up at me.

"You sure? I'm not leaving you with a bunch of nutters. they keep guard dogs for lords sake!"

I sighed, running a hand down my forehead.

"Yeah Scott I'm sure. go home, ill call you as soon as okay?" I nodded weakly.

"Okay Emmy, take care" his voice cracked at each word he took.

I pushed my way from behind the man, only to be grabbed roughly, earning a growl.

"Jeez I'm hugging my friend" i surrendered, putting my hands up.

"Quick" he growled.

I nodded, launching into Scott's arms and squeezed him in a death tight hug.

"Love you scottness. tell oli too. ill see you soon." I kissed his check and stumbled back as the mans hand yanked me from Scott

Scott climbed into the car and reluctantly drove away.

"Come on, its quite a journey home" the man picked me up and threw me onto his back, monkey style then ran into the woods. The others followed, galloping behind us, often clashing into each others bulky fur,

Stop,look and screamHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin