Better letter!

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Three weeks later.

We had flew to Hawaii and rented an a hotel room by the beach. It's beautiful out here and We have met some really nice people too.

"Emily, the doorman brought a letter addressed to you." Scott threw it in my lap while I nursed my coffee. Mornings never agreed with me, as you can see its ten am and I'm still in my angry birds pj's with a band holding up my black rats nest. Not a pretty sight huh? Nope. Olivia on the other hand was full of life and quite frankly looked like she had taken happy pills.

"Hey guys, the beach is loooovely! Running across that shore is ugh. I love it!" She moaned, slamming the front door and planted herself on the opposite sofa.

"Thanks Scott, what's that?" She nodded, taking the bottle of water that scott threw at her.

"Shes got a fancy piece on side. Sorry your so called girlfriend has dumped you girly." he sassed, turning around, touching his bottom as if it was on fire. Kissing his finger and muttering a 'ssss'.

"So...You gunna opening it?" Olivia pouted, snatching my cup from my pale hand.

Scott perches on the edge, next to Olivia watching impatiently as I tore into the envelope.

'Dear my Emily.

We have failed to meet for the second time; however we shall be seeing lots of each other very soon. Very very soon. You can run.... I will always find you. Don't feel the need to turn this into a prey game because I am one step ahead of you now.

You. will. Not. win. I shall be counting the seconds until then take care.

With Love,

Your mate.'

The crumbled paper fell swiftly from my hands, toying and throwing left then right until it landed on to the floor without a sound. Tears dribbled down my rosé tinted blushed cheeks. I stood up and dashed into my bedroom.

Scott and Olivia's begging echoed from outside the bedroom door. I sat crossed legged, leaning against the wall on the opposite side of the room, staring at the door blankly. I didn't know how to react. I couldn't do anything. I was visually frozen with worry and fright. Emotions slithered and wormed them self into the pit of my stomach. Panic and exhaustion was settling in from the previous events we had encountered three weeks ago.

"Come on Em open the door I think I have a solution!" Scott said

"Yeah, I think we know how he's found us so fast." OIivia announced.

I could hear them, but right now all I could to was to hide away.

"He will always find me, there is no point in hiding anymore. I'll just go willingly"

"hopefully i won't have a miserable life until I die. He obviously don't care what I want, or if I am happy or not! Or this whole kidnapping and being a creep would've stopped" by the end I was bawling. When they heard me they must have decided to use the card to unlock my door.

I was officially freaking out.

"Hey, don't say that! You are going to get up and calm down right now. Later, we're going to go out to eat and act like nothing is wrong."

"Pfft like that's even possible" I mutter.

"Ill go and see how much I can withdrawal of this card in cash and then about 3am we are going to one by one leave the hotel and head to the airport." Olivia explains

"We'll sort this out, I promise em!" scot shouts.

"Whats the point? he is going to find me weather we leave or not."

"We're gonna haul your ass out of this bedroom at 3. if you don't come, we're dragging you out. by the hair n all. we not messin" she smacked the door and assumably walked off.

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