Olivia and scott's pov

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Just thought i'd Change the scenery for a chapter... let me know if you like it? thank you! :)


Olivia's pov

"She's fast a sleep, just threw a blanket over her so she don't get too cold" I sighed, flipping onto the soda. Scott patted my shoulder supportively.

"That guy seriously needs a nutter doctor, he's crazy." I nodded, agreeing with him.

"We have to sneak out tonight." I perked up, grabbing Scott's arm and shook frantically.

"Okay and go where? We can't go back. even if we do manage to get out without being caught... where would we go? we don't have much money left!" scot rambled, grabbing a suitcase and started packing Emily's clothes. Emily's clothes was stored in my wardrobe because we sometimes share the same clothes so its easier than frittering and throwing room to room.

"We use that guys card. we check out and we head down the motorway. we'll trade Emily's jeep in... after all I bet she misses her fiesta that she had to sell! we'll trade it in and then head down to domino valley."

Scott carts the case into the living room and begins with his stuff.

"Okay. drive,trade car, go and find a apartment in dv. got it." Scott grabbed my hand and placed the card and hotel room card along with the car keys.

"Get a trolley and put the cases on" he puffs, placing the other case next to Emily's.

"I'm so glad you share stuff, we wouldn't be able to cart three of them"

I chuckle, picking them up and dumping them onto the trolley.

Scott sneaks into the bedroom and picks Emily up. surprisingly she doesn't wake or make a murmur. she just snuggles into his arm more and continues breathing lightly.

"Right lets do this!" I grin,opening the door wide and shutting it afterwards.

Scots pov

I lean into the back seat, gently placing Emily in and made sure her head laid in Olivia's lap. she's my best friend and I would rather die than see her get hurt. sure Olivia is her best friend too however Emily's told me about her past and not Olivia yet.

"All set scotty" Olivia's girly whisper screeched from the back seat. I nod and close the door, getting into the drivers seat with a rush and then started the car.

Twenty minutes later:

"Pleasure doing business with you sir"

That was the words of our jeep being sold for a old small four seater.

The paint work was worn down with odd scratches here and there. The leather interior, worn down and tattered. The car was obvious anciently old, as it had an input for video tapes!

After hauling the cases into the boot and putting Emily in the back seat, we swung onto the road again, listening to old fashioned country music lowly. Olivia was now cradling her protectively, often replacing the blanket over Emily's shoulders, so it covered her more.

"Scott, we need to head into the far south of 'domino valley'. I looked it up...it's gotta place called 'valley inn' we'll stay there until morning and head down to valley city. I doubt we'll get found in a urban area" she directed,shoving her phone onto the passenger seat.

"Alright. I'll wake you up when we get there" I nod.

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