Idle antidote

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"This is sooo good!" Diana moaned as she sunk into the brown leather arm chair.
"Do you wanna drink?"
I nod as Diana drags herself out of the chair and dug into her bag, bringing out a bottle of water.
"You not thirsty?" I thank her and take the bottle opening the cap and taking a sip.
"Nah, ill probs have some laters. I'm gonna nip to toilet, be back in ten" she smiled and closed the door behind. I smiled and got up,wondering over to inspect the view. Fresh rain had just poured into the atmosphere, making the building smell woodsy. Thick nature surrounded us making the view even more breathtakingly beautiful. I slipped away towards the sofa again,attempting to sit down. I slipped after a few steps and everything went black.

A blurry fizz haunted my vision as I laid mutely on the sofa. my senses disobeyed my orders and I couldn't move. a strangle groan exploded from my mouth and a warm comforting hand brushed my forehead. They collected my top part of my fame and laid me in their lap, putting a straw to my lips. my head rose weakly with the help of the stranger and I look a couple of deep desperate sips to soothe my rusty throat. I laid back down tiredly and closed my eyes.
"Wha" I squeaked but was soon cut off my that unfamiliar hand, warming my cheek.

Tyler pov

"Don't talk you'll need your energy darlin'" I soothed, placing a pillow under her head and stroked her cheek carefully. after her breaths grew heavy with sleep, i quietly stormed out of the room.

"Diana!" I seethed, charging from the hallway and into the kitchen.

Diana bolted down stairs, panting heavily.

"How much did you give her?"

"Only 20 gram like you said" she defended, looking panicked.

My body shook angrily and instantly turned two shades of red.

"20 grams! she was only suppose to have 12 at the most! this could've killed
her!" I spat and began to shake uncontrollably.

Gemma galloped from behind us and grabbed a hold of my shirt then pushed me towards the back door.

"Go for a run n let off steam. I'll call the pack doc n see if we can get it out of her system" she fussed. Barely nodding , i took off into the Woods after hearing the sharp closing of the door.

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