Fly high "oh my"

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Thank you so much! it means a lot to me that you all took you time to read my book.

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Olivia leaned on my shoulder tiredly

"Where is he? we've been waiting like an hour plus" she groaned.

Just as I was about to reply, a pair of head lights and Scott's head peering out of my fiesta came into view.

We both got up and galloped to the car. Olivia launched into the back and I climbed Into the front.

"Where you been?" Olivia cried.

"There's a hold up on the entrance, two young woman have gone missing and they're searching the area. Not to mention what the hell happend to our house? the windows smashed up and everything!"

Scott sped the car down the empty path and Olivia poked my shoulder, eying my face from the mirror.

"Take the diversion."

The car jolted to a stop and a furious looking Scott whipped around to face us.

"Don't tell me you've done something stupid!"

"We got kidnaped okay! dunno who they were but we escaped hence why Olivia's wearing a coat ten times big for her and I look like a cat that's been dragged through a bush backwards... just take the diversion or they'll attack us again and we'll probably be in a lot more shit than we already are! step on it." I screamed. Scott spun the car around three sixty degrees and sped down the hill.

"I think I've got a solution..." Olivia waved a credit card around, breaking into a grin. I check bones rose cheekily.

"Is that one of the crazy dudes credit cards?!?" I ask

"No dummy, I just happened to find it in this coat...It's one of theirs I presume" Olivia laughed sarcastically

"To the Airport Scottness! We're taking a holiday!" I sang.

"Call the number on the back and see what the balance is." Scott pointed out.

"Its unlimited." Olivia said in disbelief as she hung up the phone.

"Good we are all going to need new clothes, phones, and lots of other stuff!" I said. HAHA dude, this is what you get for kidnapping us, Instead of taking the time to get to know me like a real person.

Scott sighed, muttering a 'I wish I never met you assholes' and slammed on the speed.

Thank you so much! it means a lot to me that you all took you time to read my book.

Thank you for also voting and if you haven't already then please do! :)

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