1.1 ~ I Fall Off A Lava Covered Cliff

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Maddy Callaghan was raised in Vermont with her farmer father. She lived with him for the first 12 years of her life, before he told her the truth. The truth about her mother.
"Maddy, your mother is Demeter. You're a demigod."

I awoke to yelling. I grumbled and sat up to see what the commotion was.
"Maddy, get your ass out of bed and go put some flowers out," My best friend and cabin leader, Katie, ordered. "Luke will be here in a matter of minutes to check the cabin and someone forgot to organize their stuff." She glared at some 12-year-old.
I rolled out of bed and, still in my pajamas, opened the door, stepping out. I shut my eyes and held out my hand. With a pop, the front of the cabin was decorated with beautiful purple flowers, and just enough white to keep a balance. I regrew some of the moss on the roof and remade the wreath on the door. I noticed some other cabins, all fully dressed, starting to step out and head to breakfast.
"Guys, all of Hermes is already dressed and ready!" I shouted back into the cabin. If the Hermes cabin was ready before you, you knew you were in trouble. "I'm not going to take the last shower again!" I noticed Luke, their cabin head, moving down the line. He was already at Aphrodite. Luckily, some flirting was going on and he was held up. I turned back into the cabin. It was spotless. Then I noticed the undersides of the beds, all packed with the trash and laundry.
"Katie, are you-" I looked over at her, but decided to just go sit in a spot that would hide the imperfections the most. She walked up to the door with a fake smile.
"Luke! How are you?" She asked, her small talk dripping with disgust. For some reason, the Demeter and Hermes cabins had an age-old rivalry. We'd almost worked it out when the Stoll brothers placed chocolate bunnies on our roof. This made us all livid, and the rivalry was back on. However, we weren't as good at the prank war as they were. Luke marked us off with a smug look on his face, but wouldn't tell us what our score was. I suspected he'd announce it in front of the whole camp at dinner or something.
Once I'd dressed in my bright orange camp tee shirt and denim shorts, I pulled my blonde hair into two french braids and headed out the door, behind all of the others, checking for stragglers. I wasn't the oldest in the cabin, but Katie was just one year older than I was and she was getting closer and closer to graduating from camp, so I was training to be the next head.


After arriving at breakfast and listening to Chiron's morning messages, we all gave our offerings to the Gods and sat down to eat.
"So, did you ever end up practicing that technique for Luke?" I asked Madge, one of my closest friends.
She shook her head. "Of course not, have you ever even looked at me in that course? I can't even hold the shield correctly, let alone wield a sword." I shrugged.
"I don't know, you seemed fine," I took a bite of my toast, mostly ignoring what she'd said. I wasn't hungry, but I knew that if I didn't eat, I wouldn't make it through Sword and Shield and Archery to lunch. By habit, I glanced over at Hermes cabin to find a pair of blue eyes looking right at me. Connor Stoll. Or, Travis Stoll. I couldn't tell. Either way, I glared back, and the contact broke. I had Climbing Wall with both of them, and it was the worst course of the day. They were constantly pulling pranks on the other demigods, myself included, and disrupting the course.
People teased me about how I 'should've been an Athena kid' because I'm a 'teacher's pet'. Which, I supposed I was, but it wasn't a terrible thing, was it? All I wanted was to be prepared for any attack I came across. I blinked twice, clearing my thoughts and taking a sip of my water.

Eventually Chiron dismissed us from the meal and sent us back to our cabins to prepare for our first course. Mine, along with Madge's, was Sword and Shield with , the Ares cabin head. She was a scary girl, buff and loud, taking after her father.
"Alright, wimps! We all know that this group is the dud and weak group," She yelled, her booming voice carrying all the way across the arena. She loved to remind us that our group was the speed group, rather than the strong group. There were about 25 of us, mostly Apollo kids, and pretty much our only assets were speed and cleverness. Which, personally, I thought to be one of the better groups. Being quick in battle is more important than having skill with an axe... right? I was much better at long distance fighting, using throwing knives and sometimes a bow.

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