3.11 ~ NOT Cupid's Bow

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The next day was a Friday. No Capture the Flag because it wasn't summertime, but there were the holidays to plan for. We were having a general holiday party on Saturday night, with gifts and good food but no religious services other than sacrifices to our parents. I spent all of the day going around with the satyrs and growing wreaths to put on each door. I decorated each with flowers or berries that matched the cabin's color scheme.

I had just arranged the wreath perfectly straight on the door to the Hermes cabin when it swung open and the wreath fell. I yelped in surprise, but Connor grabbed my waist and pulled me close.

"You're still making leaves?"

"Yeah, well, some of us have jobs." I wriggled out of his grasp and picked the fallen wreath up off the ground. "I haven't forgotten about you, though. Any requests for the floral arrangements for tomorrow?"

"Get me some mistletoe and I am happy."

"That's a big ask, Stoll. You'll have to prove it to me that you'll put it to use."

"Oh, trust me, Callaghan. I'll use it."

After a few hours, every door at camp had a wreath, and all the roofs had lights strung from them. I'd gotten roped into helping with the lights as well. The satyrs and I sat down by the strawberry fields.

"So, I did tell you all about New Mexico, right?"

"No, what's up with New Mexico?" One of the satyrs asked. It had completely slipped my mind. Luckily it had only been a day.

"The Wild. I felt it, it brought us a gift and helped us out of a situation. He's alive. I know it." This sent them into a frenzy. I realized that I had told Grover and forgotten that everyone else would be interested; not a very nice thing to do as a friend of the Wild. I went back to the warmth of my cabin and gave myself some time to really relax.

Not enough time, apparently, because a few satyrs came looking for me again.

"Wanna help us grow some food for tomorrow?"

I wanted to say no, but they seemed so happy. "Okay, yeah. For a bit." So I did. I spent another two hours outside, gardening. We grew the usual strawberries, along with some root vegetables for the feast.

I woke the next morning from the cold. I dressed in my camp sweatshirt and long sweatpants, but set aside my dress for the party. There weren't many demigods staying for the holidays, but there were probably around fifteen of us. Personally, I thought it made the party even better. We had a feast sitting in the kitchen, ready to be taken out at four in the afternoon. But we still had eight hours until then.

I went to the mess hall to make sure everything was in place. It all seemed to be in order.

Everyone started filing in for breakfast. We even had an Ares camper stand on his table and ask one of the Hephaestus girls to the dance that night, to which she blushed and quietly accepted. I thought it was sweet, just until I saw Connor shift in his seat. I sent him the sharpest glare I'd ever sent and mouthed, "Don't you dare stand up."

He pouted, but stayed in his seat for all of the meal.

"Why don't you want me declaring my feelings for you in front of everyone?" He joked after breakfast.

"In front of all fifteen of us? Declaring your so-called 'feelings'" — I held my fingers up in mock quotes — "won't be as much of a performance as you'd like it to be. Save it."

"I have a feeling you're going to regret saying that." Travis patted my shoulder as he walked past me.

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