2.8~ I Fight Scooby Doo Behind The Popcorn Stand

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The next morning, I gathered up my things to leave camp. Before I crossed over the hill, I stopped to take everything in. I thought it would be almost a year until I saw it all again, so I wanted to absorb as much as I could. I got into the van with the others and Argus took us home. I made sure to keep a celestial bronze knife handy, tucked into my sock.

The trees all raced by, just as they had with every year.

"Hey, Argus." I started.

He didn't answer. Probably something to do with the whole eyes-on-his-tongue thing.

There goes my only hope of a conversation.

It was still an hour until I got home, and I was utterly bored and sick of being alone in the van.

When we finally reached my Vermont farmhouse, I stepped out to find my family standing outside waiting for me. This was unusual, considering how my father was usually working in the fields. However, it wasn't just my family. A tall red-haired woman was standing next to my father, leaning against him. This must be his new girlfriend I'd heard about at the beginning of summer.

But it wasn't just her. There was a boy standing a little bit to the side from my brothers, seemingly distanced in some way. Oh. The boys face lit up and he ran to pull me into a hug.

"Charles!" I smiled, hugging him back. Over his shoulder, to looked at my dad and mouthed 'What is he doing here?' My father just shrugged and got distracted by my twin brothers trying to rip each other's throats out.

"Mads, how was camp?"

"It was..." Every second of the summer suddenly turned into a raging ball of guilt in my stomach. I'd had a boyfriend this whole time and I'd spent my summer flirting constantly with a different boy. But that was different, because it was all teasing and a joke. Charles was real and right in front of me. I had him for the rest of the year, and I didn't have to think about any Gods or demigods or monsters. "It was nice. Now enough about me, how'd you manage here without me?"

Charles grinned. "I spent a lot of time working, but when I wasn't I actually came up here to help your dad! He insisted that he didn't need help but I wanted to."

I cringed. When my father said that he didn't want help, that usually meant to stay the hell away from him. I'd have to teach Charles the Callaghan lingo and intentions before my brothers tore him apart.

I picked my stuff up off the ground. "I'll meet you out here in a minute, okay? I've gotta put my bags in my room."

He nodded, and I dashed inside. Tossing my small duffel bag onto my bed, I picked out a casual outfit of jean shorts, a dark tank top, and a dark flannel. Charles was taking me to the state fair, and he was paying. Which obviously makes the date so much better.

"I'll be back by 11!" I kissed my dad on the cheek and ran outside to Charles. "I'm ready."

He eyed me for a second before we got into his car. "You look good." He smirked.

"Don't get too excited, Charles," I slapped his arm lightly.

We drove off towards the fair. It was about an hour long drive, so we got caught up on his summer. I had to leave out almost every detail of mine, considering the fact that the whole summer was training for getting attacked by mythological monsters and flirting with a different guy (jokingly!!). So I tossed in some basic camp activities like what happened at campfires and fireworks and all that normal stuff.

His summer was much more interesting. He's snuck out with his friends all night, gone to parties, stolen from Target a few times.

I sure knew how to pick 'em.

We finally arrived at the fair. I recognized a few girls from school but didn't greet any of them.

Charles bought me cotton candy and popcorn, and we won a few carnival games. He suggested the Ferris wheel, so we boarded it, dragging the giant bear I'd won along with us. I knew he was planning to kiss me at the top. I wasn't sure if I was ready, so I tried to think of ways to avoid it without actually being rude.

No such luck. We reached the top and I looked out over the trees, trying to face away from him as much as I could.

"Hey, Mads?"

"What's that over there?" I pointed to the tree line, trying to distract him. He fell for it, and squinted.

"Looks like a bear. Whatever, we're safe up here."

"Okay." I knew it wasn't a bear. Bears don't have bright red eyes. Bears don't look me directly in the eyes.

That, my friends, was most definitely a Hellhound.

The wheel started moving again, lowering us down. I suddenly wanted to stay up there, but I knew I couldn't just hide or run from a monster forever. I'd have to get rid of it. Of course there was a monster attack my first day back. I'd been advised to go back to camp as soon as I even saw one, but this wasn't too bad. Besides, I wanted at least a couple months of normalcy. I'd let this one slide.

"Hey, Charles," I was still staring down the beast. "Would you mind going to get me some cotton candy? I'll be right here, I just want to check something out."

"Uh, okay." He walked away towards the snack stand.

I reached down the my shoe and pulled out my small bronze knife, stalking closer to the beast. If I could just get it into the hounds mouth, I could go on with my night completely alright.

"Heel, puppy!" I teased the monster, trying to get it to come at me so that I didn't have to go any closer. "What's wrong, Scooby? Too scared?"

I was fairly sure that the hound couldn't understand my words, but my tone made it obvious that I was out to get him.

The Hellhound came charging right for me. I threw my knife right into its neck, but not enough damage was done. It only angered the beast. I quickly grabbed the other knife from my other sock and threw it again.

The beast let out a roar and poofed into yellow dust. I rushed over and picked up my knives.

I glanced around. No mortals had really picked up on the fight.

I hurried back to where Charles left me. Just in time, too, because he was on his way back. "Alright? You look a bit on edge."

"I'm fine!" I said, probably too quickly. I flashed an unconvincing smile, but he just shrugged and dropped it.

"So, what next?"

We went on for the rest of the night. I was still shaken, but I was having fun anyway. He dropped me back home at 10:45 with a dodged kiss and a hug.

I rushed back inside and right to my father. "Dad. There was a monster at the fair. I got it, but I think I have to go back to camp."

He set down his book and took off his glasses. "Are you sure? I thought you were excited for school this year."

"I am, but..." I trailed off. Going back to camp would ensure my safety but ignoring it and going to school would make me much happier. I'd get to spend time with my friends and boyfriend. If I went back to camp now, I'd miss homecoming, Halloween, and Christmas with my friends. "Okay. I'll give it time. Though if something else happens, I'm going back."

My father nodded. "I trust your decisions. You're the only one that this actually affects, so I'll do whatever you feel is right in regards to... your mother."

He didn't like much to talk about Demeter. He had fallen in love with her all those 16 years ago, and she hadn't been able to stay with him. It was a touchy subject for him, but he never invalidated my own Greek experiences.

Just a week left until school. I hadn't come across any monsters since the fair, and I intended to keep it that way. Good joke.

hey besties i'm actually like enjoying this 😫 the story is getting better i promise

when i finish this book i'm gonna do another pjo one of the daughter of Dionysus so someone should drop suggestions for what you wanna see

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