5.5 ~ Hey, Where Did The Sun Go?

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I woke with the taste of nectar in my mouth. As soon as I opened my eyes to the bright lights, pain slammed into my head. I reached to cover my eyes, but I couldn't lift my arm above my waist. The first thing I did when I tried to sit up was get sick all over the floor next to me. Great.

"She's awake!" A voice called out. Slowly, I got my eyes open and saw Leneus the old satyr leaning over me. Will rushed over to us. I used my left good arm to grip Will's arm. I opened my mouth to ask a question, but he cut me off.

"Yes, Connor has been notified. You're alive, miraculously. Don't panic. Just rest."

I nodded and shut my eyes again, drifting into sleep. In the time I was asleep, someone had come by and cleaned my puddle of vomit.

Sometime later on, I woke again to hushed voices. Well, one hushed voice. The other was yelling.

"The arrow was poisoned. We've established that most of their weapons are. She's fine, Leneus got her here with enough time to clean the wound and remove the arrow. She'll live. Let go of me, I have other patients to attend to."

Opening my eyes slowly, I saw Connor grasping Will's shoulders harshly. He dropped his hands and glanced over to me. He caught my gaze and hurried over.

"Oh my gods, Mads. Don't ever get shot again." He knelt at the couch I was spread out on. His voice was shaking and his eyes were shining with tears.

"Hey, Stoll, I'm fine. See?" I held my arms out to show him. "Just a little poisoned is all."

He reached out to touch my pale, sweaty face. He leaned in, but I reached out my hand and placed a finger on his lips. "Don't kiss me right now, I've just thrown up."

"Oh, gods," He muttered. "You can't keep doing this to me, Mads."

"Doing what?" I whispered, matching his volume.

He leaned in again anyway, despite the acidic sourness of my mouth. He pressed a kiss to my forehead. "I'll need to go back out and keep fighting soon. But I needed to see that you were okay."

I smiled at him and grabbed his neck to pull him down for a kiss. "Woah, woah." Connor grabbed my wrists and pushed them away. "Don't do that, you'll hurt yourself. We'll have plenty of time for that when the war is won and you're less poisoned."

Connor sat with me for a few minutes before he left for the action. I consumed as much ambrosia as I dared and stood to get my armor back on. Will ran over to me and took my sword out of my hands. "No, you're staying here. They need you out there, but you won't be much help if you're still sickly and your powers aren't functioning properly."

He had a point, so I settled for helping him with the wounded.

The next hour went by fairly quickly. Many of my friends were dragged injured into the lobby, more of them missing. I rushed around, using Will's advice and the supplies we'd grabbed from the pharmacy to do the best I could. Oddly enough, we started getting injured centaurs into the lobby. I didn't remember having any centaurs in our army when we started. It turns out that Chiron rounded up all of his buddies to help us fight, along with Percy's friend Rachel. I knew this because Annabeth came storming into the lobby grumbling about stupid boys.

Percy soon followed and crashed onto a bunk, asleep within seconds. Connor and Travis came back in and we all sat next to each other on a couch in silence, unable to speak.

I had dozed off for a few minutes when I was awoken by an angry roar. The sound was so horrible it turned my blood to ice. The sound of a drakon waking.

We reassembled all together outside. 'All' isn't saying much. We had sixteen campers, fifteen hunters, and less than a dozen satyrs in fighting condition. Rachel explained that the drakon was prophesied to be killed by a child of Ares, which wasn't too lucky because we had none in stock.

"Shit," Percy muttered. "The spy. Kronos knew we had no children of Ares with us today and purposefully chose a monster we cannot kill."

The sun was gone. Or more accurately, was replaced by a 200 foot long Lydian drakon. It's bright yellow eyes were more than enough to petrify someone on the spot.

"I'll take the drakon!" Percy shouted. I thought he was crazy, but at least it wasn't me going after the monster. Annabeth put on her invisibility cap and Percy called Mrs. O'Leary over.

The enemy army was fast approaching. We had approximately thirty seconds before they reached our lines. Thirty eventful seconds, as Connor had decided.

He was across the way, standing between a few of the California chapter Party Ponies. He looked over at me and rushed over.

"Hey, you rea—" I began to ask, but was quickly silenced. He pulled me into his chest and kissed me deeply. I wouldn't say it was exactly the time nor the place, and I hated PDA. But we were also about to die. "'Hello,' to you, t—"

He was very determined not to let me get a full sentence out. "I love you."

"What?" I almost dropped my sword.

The army broke our lines and shit hit the fan.

lol short chapter but i hope it's worth it

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