4.9 ~ I Overwork My Broken Leg For The Hell Of It

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The next few days passed quickly. I spent my free time with Beckendorf and the Stoll brothers. Silena was still being distant, but Beckendorf always managed to cheer her up.

The fourth of July came and went, along with many after-curfew parties in the Hermes cabin. The rest of the month passed with minimal rock-climbing and minimal volleyball. I was taking my break from training for the next month or so. I spent some time doing archery, but it got too painful after a while. I couldn't participate in Capture the Flag for a few weeks, but Connor was all too happy to sit out with me. We climbed to the roof of our cabins often to talk, but the best night of the summer was when Travis snuck into the city and brought us back some greasy food. They hauled me and my messed-up knee up to the roof of the Big House and we sat there with Beckendorf and Silena, eating and laughing. All we could do was hope that Mr. D was a heavy sleeper.

We learned the next morning that he was not, in fact, a heavy sleeper. After lunch, we were all summoned to the Big House. I didn't think much of it, but my stomach dropped to the floor when I saw Dionysus standing in the doorway, hands on his hips.

"So, children, do you have something to tell me?"

"Your shirt looks nice today, sir." Travis said, smiling nervously.

"Save it, child of Hermes. I know it was you kids that scuffed up my roof last night, and I want to know how you got the crippled one up there," He pointed at me. "I want an honest answer, and maybe I'll let you get away unharmed."

Connor stepped forward and cleared his throat, conjuring up some story about being chased by the Ares kids to the point where we had to climb the house to escape. Mr. D didn't buy it.

KP for all of us. So we spent the night in the kitchen, elbow deep in lava.

July passed. Same deal. We have a bit of fun, we get caught, we do some chore. August went by slowly, one of the hottest since I'd been to camp. I spent almost all of my time at the lake. Even though I hated swimming and canoeing, laying in the sand and sometimes dipping my toes in the water was enough when with the right people.

I went back to school in the fall. I dealt with minimal monster attacks, and only took a few short breaks to return to camp to regroup. This meant seeing Connor every two or three months. It wasn't much, but it was enough.

I went home for Thanksgiving break, but my dad knew I wanted to spend the holidays at camp. He said he'd let me go down to camp the day after Christmas, as long as we got to spend it together as a family. He wanted to propose to his new girlfriend, and my brothers and I were all for it. So he did, on Christmas. She said yes, and it was a very big cheesy ordeal.

I spent my spring semester applying to colleges in the New York area and even got into a couple of them. I didn't have to commit yet, so I waited. Chiron expected the city to be destroyed by the beginning of the semester anyway, so I had to be careful of any commitments I made. Especially any that might get me into trouble.

hey y'all we are nearing the end this is sad but also i have never finished a story ever so that's great

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