2.2~ A Cow Crashes My Birthday Party

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The next few days were fine. It was camp, which was amazing, but there was still the looming threat of the camp borders starting to fall.

I'd gone about my activities with my siblings like normal. I'd bickered with the Hermes boys like normal. The June sun had scorched us like normal. The worst part of my birthday as of yet was the strawberry fields. The strawberries weren't doing too well, even with the help of the satyrs, nymphs, and my half siblings.

Not many people knew about my birthday. I didn't love to advertise it because it was just about when people started getting to camp and I didn't like the attention. It was lowkey, only my siblings and Chiron knew. Now that Chiron was gone, it had been Demeter cabin staying up until midnight to have a countdown to my sixteenth birthday.

So I was sixteen now. I didn't feel different. I couldn't jump higher, my boobs were the same size. So far I was basically still fifteen.

There were rites of passage you had to go through before you were really sixteen. You have to kiss someone. Or so my roommate at Green Mountain says. I told her she reads too many romance books. She told me to shut up.

So according to Sarah, I'm not sixteen yet. I'd see Charles in August. Then maybe I'd turn sixteen.

I was wandering the fields, lost in thought, kicking around at the ground to see if I could make the strawberries grow any more. I couldn't.

I was about to give up when I heard yelling from the hill. I ran as fast as I could to a place where I could see. There were a ton of campers running back and forth distributing weapons and desperately trying to keep something at bay. I couldn't tell what was up there, but I wasn't stupid, so I rushed to the armory to grab a bow.

When I reached the top of the hill, I saw what was terrorizing the border patrol: fire breathing elephant-sized mechanical bulls. So I did what any stupid impulsive demigod would do. I shot an arrow at it.

Now, I wasn't the best at math. But I was pretty sure that bronze-tipped arrows plus bronze bulls didn't equal a win for Camp Half Blood. In fact, it equals a very angry, very fiery metal bull charging right at you for bothering it.

I accepted my death. Whatever, right? However, some Ares kid threw a sword at it to draw its attention back over the other side of the hill. So I was alive for now.

I scaled a tree to get the higher ground and looked for weak points in the bulls. Usually it was the neck and leg joints, but these creations weren't your typical monster. I couldn't make out any weak spots in the armor.

So I shot at what the typical spots would be in hopes of hitting something. Just at that moment, Percy, Annabeth, and someone else started up the hill.

The someone else was... A Cyclops? Great, we already had two monsters to deal with and now Percy and Annabeth were marching another in right with them.

Someone was waving his arms around and yelling because of a burning hair plume. Percy uncapped his pen-sword and ran over the hill. He and Annabeth had argued, but that was nothing new.

Clarisse, who was leading the border patrol, had called everyone into a phalanx formation. Everyone being about six people. I would've jumped down to help but I was not armed to do so.

Percy yelled something at Clarisse, which distracted her from the bull coming up behind her. Percy was not impulsive. (I'm being sarcastic)

Because Percy isn't impulsive, all of border patrol definitely didn't get their shields melted and drop their weapons. Clarisse definitely didn't almost get killed by a metal cow.

Percy, Annabeth, and the remaining unharmed campers continued to scuffle with the bulls.

Back at the crest of the hill, the Cyclops was pushing against the borders. I wanted to scream at him to leave and not cause us any more trouble than we needed, but Annabeth granted him permission to enter camp.

Annabeth of all people should be against the very thought of even speaking to a Cyclops. But he burst through and down the hill to the metal bulls.

"BAD COW!" He yelled, and slammed his fists into the bulls face. Remarkably, the bull crumpled under his touch.

The other bull was soon enough destroyed by Clarisse. I saw Clarisse storming towards the two, and I didn't want to be around to see an armed Clarisse yell at them.

I hopped out of the tree and ran to the injured campers. Mostly Ares kids, who would almost always back up Clarisse. I yelled for help and Michael Yew came running up the hill.

Just the two of us got all nine of the wounded kids down to the infirmary. I helped him patch them up as best I could, then went back to the cabin for a rest. A lovely birthday, no?

I was in for much more fun later.

short chappie sorry y'all and you're getting it early bc you're all so good to me


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