3.2 ~ After This Chapter, I Am Probably On Zeus's Hitlist

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Percy and Grover had to carry the mummy all the way back to the Big House. I sort of felt bad, but I certainly wasn't going to volunteer.

Chiron called an emergency cabin leader meeting. Unfortunately this included me, considering the fact that Katie wasn't around.

Mr. D had arranged Cheez Whiz, crackers, and red wine for all of us. My hand subtly reached for the wine, but Chiron reminded him that we were all underage and he changed it. Damn.

I sat between Connor and Silena Beauregard on the left side of the table, across from Thalia. She was in a very foul mood from Percy almost kicking her ass earlier so every time I looked at her, she would scowl at me with lightning flickering in her eyes.

"This is pointless," Zoë glared at Chiron. "There is no time for talk. Our goddess need us. The Hunters must leave immediately."

"And go where?" Chiron asked.

"West!" Bianca, Nico's older sister, exclaimed. "You heard the prophecy. Five shall go west to the goddess in chains. We can get five hunters and go!"

"Yes," Zoë said, gesturing to Bianca enthusiastically. "Artemis is being held hostage! We must find her and free her."

"You're missing something, as usual," Thalia grumbled. "Campers and Hunters combined prevail. We have to do this together."

"No! The Hunters do not need thy help." Zoë looked about ready to shoot Thalia.

"I fear the prophecy says you do need our help," Chiron sighed. "Campers and Hunters must cooperate."

Mr. D almost laughed. "One shall be lost. One shall perish. That sounds rather nasty, no? What if you fail because you try to cooperate?"

"Mr. D," Chiron said. "With all due respect, whose side are you on?"

"Sorry, my dear centaur." Mr. D said. He didn't seem sorry.

"We are supposed to work together." Thalia was practically growling at this point. Everyone was silent, looking at the table with great interest. Zoë glared at her, but clearly was defeated.

"We must not delay," Chiron warned. "Today is Sunday. Friday is the winter solstice."

The annual meeting of the gods. Zoë continued advocating for Artemis to be rescued by the Hunters only, and Chiron and Mr. D continued trying to calm her down and come to a solution.

"Three and two." Percy said, out of the blue. Everyone stared at him. "We're supposed to have five. Three Hunters, two Campers. That's more than fair."

Clearly Zoë wanted to argue, but after some internal debate with herself, she agreed grimly. There was talk about what the monster could be, but my mind was racing with who would volunteer. Obviously Percy, Obviously Thalia. Zoë would take Bianca, and one other Hunter. That was the gold star group. I was snapped out of my thoughts by Connor voice.

"That's some serious danger you're facing. It sounds like at least two of the five are going to die."

I loved the positivity in this meeting.

"One shall be lost in the land without rain," Beckendorf said. "If I were you, I'd stay out of the desert."

I finally found it in myself to speak up. "And the Titan's curse must one withstand. What could that mean?"

Chiron and Zoë exchanged a look, but didn't speak up.

"One shall perish by a parent's hand." Grover said, munching on ping pong balls. "How is that possible? Whose parent would kill them?"

stollen things || c. stollOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora