4.5 ~ I Make A Contract

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I helped Beckendorf and his siblings finish setting up the trenches and mine defenses. Once they left I was left alone with some of the Ares kids. We set up some more defenses, like razor wire and rows of sharpened sticks.

I stood outside of the tent, monitoring, before one of the Ares kids, Josh, stuck his head through the entrance to the tent.

"We're about to play some Go Fish, you want in?"

"Shouldn't we be watching the rocks? For, I don't know, an army?" I gestures to Zeus's Fist. These were children of Ares, shouldn't they be concerned about war?"

"So... no?"

"Deal me in," I said finally. I stepped inside the tent, which was filled with weapons and armor. I sat down in their circle and we began playing. We spent the next half hour playing before I heard a rustle outside of the tent. We all jumped up and grabbed our weapons, rushing to stop the threat.

"Woah! Relax, there." It was Malcolm Pace of Athena. "I'm just coming to check in. Chiron sent me to see if you needed any more weapons. Hephaestus cabin is working on some Greek fire right now."

Josh shoved him lightly. "You scared us, what if we took off your head?"

"You would never do that to me," Malcolm grinned, shoving him back. The two were really close friends, an odd match. But then again, they were both war strategists who wanted nothing but the best for their cabins. "Seriously, though, do you need anything?"

I took a quick inventory, peeking my head back into the tent. "Nothing as of yet, but when that Greek fire is ready it's a top priority."

He nodded and ran off back to camp. Many hours later, when my shift was over, we had just 30 minutes of free time left. I used it to go shower and change for dinner. As the hot water run down my back, I let my thoughts wander to more personal things rather than the war. Sure, it may have been selfish, but it was my dinner break. I was on for the overnight shift anyway so I might as well get distracted before then.

I thought about where I was with Connor and what it meant for our friendship. I thought about what having a relationship during a war would be like. How much time would we have for each other, between the standing guard and the training?

I went back to the cabin to find a few of my siblings changing for dinner after having gone swimming. I grabbed a fresh t-shirt and some sweatpants, then swept my dripping hair into a braid. We walked together to the dining pavilion. There was almost complete silence throughout dinner, other than the occasional mutter about what each other had done during the day. After dinner, I trudged back to the cabin. I would have to miss campfire because it happened to be just after the start of my watch.

An hour later, I got into my armor and grabbed my weapons. I took Silena with me as we walked to Zeus's Fist solemnly. She was very oddly silent. Even in a bad situation, she always had something to say to cheer up the group. Not today. In fact, she seemed incredibly anxious. Not that I could blame her, I was downright terrified.

We were on watch with Lee and a few of his siblings and spent much of the six hours trying to stay awake. We talked through the night, reflecting and trying to figure out the best battle strategy. Lee was the most stressed about the whole thing to the point where I was worried his hair was going to fall out.

I took away his coffee and set it down outside. "You get some rest, Lee. You're working your ass off. We'll wake you if anything happens."

He hesitated, but nodded and laid down in the corner of the tent. Technically he wasn't supposed to be sleeping on the job, but I figured he needed it. I wasn't sure if he'd slept at all since the quest was announced.

He quickly dozed off, leaving the rest of us to keep each other awake and sharpen our weapons.

When Lee's watch beeped three in the morning, we woke him up to get him back to his cabin. The next group came to switch. As I grabbed my weapons to head to the armory, someone grabbed my arm and pulled me aside. I was about to yell for help, but my kidnapper just pulled me into a hug. His warmth was enough to reassure me.

"I feel like I haven't seen you in forever."

"It's been a day, Stoll."

"Well, I've had time to think. And I want to know if you'd maybebemygirlfriendmaybe." He rushed the last part of his sentence.


"Uh—" I didn't think I'd ever seen Connor this flustered. He always had a cocky air to him, never wavering. Until just then.

"Connor? Where did you go?" Travis called out from the tent.

"Be right back!" He yelled back. "Anyway.  Callaghan, I want you to be my girlfriend." His ears were bright red, probably just as red as my face.

"I— What?" I shook my head as if to clear my thoughts.

"Please don't make me say it again." His face was falling slightly.

"Okay. I mean, yes," I blinked, looking up at him. "I have a few conditions." He grinned, but waited for me to continue. "I want to keep this a secret for a little bit. I want to wait until I'm ready for everyone to know. And..." I thought for a moment. "I get to be your plus one to any after curfew parties."

"As if you aren't always. And yes, I'll wait as long as you need." He held his hand out to shake. I took it, and he ran off back to Travis to begin his shift. It was almost 3:30 by the time I made it back to my cabin.

hey queens and others we hit some milestones here and just wait there will be plenty plenty PLENTY more in book four >:)))) watch out

also i am going to use the miscommunication trope and i know we all hate it (so do i) but i promise it's necessary and very short

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