2.5~ I Am Confused

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Katie and I made our rounds for Cabin Inspection that morning, which meant no time to sleep in like I'd hoped. I'd lost lots of sleep the previous night over that fun little moment at the end of Capture. We went straight from cabin inspection through breakfast through sword and shield. Two and a half hours of walking around half-asleep. And I even had cereal for breakfast, which usually made me feel much better.

Rather than getting free time for a nap, I had to go strawberry picking. Don't get me wrong, it was one of my favorite things to do, but being mostly asleep while using my powers was bound to take a toll.

And so it did. I was wobbling around after fifteen minutes of accelerating the strawberry growth. So I moved to manual, regular gardening. I grabbed a trowel and got to work.

Satyrs were handing out water bottles to those of us that were helping out. I'd gotten closer to the satyrs this and last summer than I had been in the past; I never really paid them much attention. They were actually pretty fun to hang out with, even if they were always distracted with chasing after wood nymphs and sometimes my half-siblings.

I made light conversation with some of them, but I mostly kept to myself. I was running on four hours of sleep, one cup of coffee, and completely drained power. When the half hour was finally finished, we made the trek across camp to the Mess Hall.

I got yet another cup of coffee at lunch, along with the olympian pizza that was being served. The second cup of coffee did the trick, and I was finally able to function.

Tracking Skills was entertaining, and my improved geokinesis was helping me much more. I caught Connor staring a few times throughout the day, but we both looked away immediately. I found myself constantly repeating the fact that I now had a boyfriend, but I couldn't figure out why I had to reprimand myself so many times.

In the coming days, Charles would call camp. A lot. I eventually had to tell him that I wasn't able to take social calls here and maybe he'd have to stop calling and I'd see him in August. He didn't take this well and sounded really hurt. So I spent a lot of time wondering if he was angry with me or something.

My being in a bad mood apparently gave the Stolls permission to lay it on thick and throw themselves at mine and Katie's feet. Katie was very extremely offended by this, but I had mixed feelings. I'd sort of liked Connor last summer, but I knew that this had nothing to do with that. They liked mischief and teasing, and I just happened to be an easy target for that.

And I was. I'd get flustered with every little comment or touch, as much as I tried to hide it. By just the beginning of July, every Aphrodite kid and therefore probably all of camp had noticed my behavior around the brothers, especially Connor. I had half of the camp nudging me every second and the other half glaring at me. Connor was a popular choice when it came to picking another demigod to like, as was Travis. Their mischievous and flirty nature entrapped many girls.

The main issue with this terrible fluttery feeling was Katie. Every time I talked to the boys I felt like I was betraying Katie, but if I didn't talk to them I felt like I wasn't being fair to them. So I spent my activity time with the boys and any other time with Katie. The brothers had introduced me to some of their friends: Silena Beauregard and Charles Beckendorf. Apparently the whole camp had been pushing for the two to date for a long time, but it had yet to happen.

It was the Fourth of July, and the weather was sweltering. I always burned easily, so by two in the afternoon my nose was bright pink. Connor took this as a shining opportunity to offer up his services in applying aloe to my face. I humbly declined. I was used to sunburns from working on the farm, so it wasn't anything new.

The brothers were, again, laying it on thick at the fireworks. They had somehow convinced all of the senior counselors to dissolve the rule about staying with your cabin. Katie had to be bribed for this, but she agreed nonetheless.

I had decided that I wasn't going to speak to her until she apologized for agreeing. Usually I wouldn't be upset with a decision a senior counselor made, especially not one my own half sister made. The catch? This gave Connor and Travis the freedom to sit next to us for the whole three hour firework show. Connor on my left, Travis on Katie's right. It was so obvious how much Travis liked Katie, but he wasn't exactly one to voice his feelings.

I thought about saying something to him, but it's not like I could assure him that she liked him back, because I knew she didn't. Then again, I had caught her looking confused after a Stoll Incident every now and then. Maybe she was warming up to him.

"So, Callaghan. Since we're basically best friends now, what do you say we go into the city tonight like we said we would after the chariot races?" Connor slung an arm over my shoulder.

"Stoll, in case you didn't notice, I agreed to that when we thought we'd win. We didn't win. So I am not bound to it."

"Whatever you say, Mads." Travis grinned. "We'll get you two someday."

I was again at a loss when it came to my feelings. I spent all of that night thinking as much about Charles as I could. No demigod, and no Stoll brother, could distract from the fact that I had a boyfriend now. I simply wouldn't allow it.

The next morning was a Wednesday. Immediately after breakfast, an arm looped around mine. "So, a boyfriend, huh?"

"What?" I immediately stiffened. "Who have you been talking to?"

"Your friend Madge isn't the best at keeping her mouth shut. When were you going to tell me?" Connor fake-pouted. At least, I thought it was fake.

"Is it your business? When did I sign a contract that pledged you having full access to my private life?"

He huffed and slowly dropped his arm. "Alright, I'll leave you alone from now on. But just... be safe."

I didn't have time to really register his words, because I tripped over the vines that I had been unconsciously growing up my legs in my anxiety.

Of course he had to catch me.

Charles. Charles. I reprimanded myself. You like Charles. Connor is a flirt and a player. You're going to go back home in August and spend your time with Charles.

"Falling for me already, darling? How sweet." His crooked grin sent shivers all through my body.

I cleared my throat and stood up. "No. I'm fine, thank you." I rushed away from him, perhaps too fast.

I do not like Connor Stoll. Not anymore. He is forbidden from my thoughts from now on.

can you tell i've been bingeing ouran high school host club


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