1.6 ~ Tree Nymphs Can Be Really Stubborn Sometimes

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I wandered back to my cabin, head spinning. The quick movements combined with my headache, surely. No other reason for it. Nothing to do with being practically pressed against the sly son of Hermes I'd been trying to figure out all summer. He was already fucking with my mind and it wasn't even July yet. Stupid Hermes kids.

I finally reached the cabin and snuck inside. The bathrooms were far from Cabin Four, and before I knew it, it was almost past curfew. I'd forgotten how late the sun set in the summer. It was then that I realized my damn hair tie was gone. I sighed. Too loudly, apparently, because Katie sat up in her bed.

"Where have you been?" She asked, eyebrows raised. Damn.

"The bathroom." I said quickly. It wasn't exactly a lie. I was in the boys bathroom and I wasn't really using it, but she didn't need to know that. Not that I was a very good liar.

"Who were you with?" She sighed, looking me up and down. "Your hair is a mess, you're blushing like mad, and you're not wearing shoes."

I glanced down, and realized she was right. I'd taken my shoes off on the way back to the cabin; they were pinching my toes.
"Katie!" I hissed. "I haven't been with anyone, do you really think that low of me?"

She shrugged, not convinced. She laid down anyway, not wanting to wake anyone else up.

I climbed into my bed, not bothering to undress. I had another t-shirt for the next day.


The next day, I avoided Connor as much as I could, not wanting to have to talk about the other night. He didn't seem to either. Luckily, it was Friday — Capture The Flag night. After our activities we had free time, then dinner. I decided to spend my hour of free time by the strawberry fields, making light conversation with the saytrs. They were pleasant folk, but we didn't really hit it off. Surprising, considering we had so much in common.

I was standing and looking down at the plants, focusing my energy through my feet to speed up the growth of the fruit. It worked, but I had never been very strong with my powers, and after a few plants I grew tired. I wandered back to the Cabin where I sat on the front step. I was absentmindedly growing vines from where my feet were resting, and I jumped when I felt them growing up my legs.

"Oh, shi-" I started, but was quickly cut off by a voice. I thought we were avoiding each other, I thought to myself.

"I hear you have young kids in your cabin. We don't want them hearing that dirty mouth of yours." Connor winked, and held out his hand to help me up. I reluctantly took it, and shook off my feet to break the vines.

"Why do you do that?" He asked, gesturing to my vine-covered calves.

"Oh, I don't mean to. It just happens sometimes when I get distracted."

"Hm," He nodded, looking into the distance. "Well, penny for your thoughts?" I shook my head.
"It would have to be your own penny, not one you nicked off someone."

He groaned. "You're a tough one, Callaghan. Remind me not to kill you tonight," He leaned in closer. "I'll go easy on you." He patted my shoulder and walked away.

I was frozen in my spot, and exhaled. When I regained the ability to think, I made to step into the cabin and change for capture. However, I'd done it again. Vines had stuck me in place, and I tripped and fell. I didn't hit the ground though.

I had fallen into someone's arms. Again? Gods, this is embarrassing.

"We have to stop meeting like this." The boy lifted me back up and faced me towards the door.

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