Chapter 5

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Clint's POV

Tony and I looked at each other in silence. This is the first we have seen each other since Ultron.

"So, I'll just leave and let you two work it out. Clint, I'll see you later", Jessica said nervously. She left the room without another word.

Tony and I continued to stare at each other. He didn't look mad. He just looked neutral. He looked younger, but I assume it's because of the Extremis. I also noticed specks in his eyes, but I'm sure he'll explain it later. "Tony—", I tried to speak, but he interrupted.

"How are you feeling?", he said as he walked over to the seat beside the bed.

"I'm fine"

"That's good. Ross has been placed in the RAFT and sentenced for life. He's also been removed from the committee. He shouldn't bother you from now on"

"I know. Jessica told me everything"

"Ok". We sat in silence again. It felt so uncomfortable. I did need to apologize to Tony about Ultron, though. I just don't know if he'll accept it.

"Tony, about Ultron, I—", I started to say, but he interrupted.

"What about Ultron? That's in the past. I have already been investigated and cleared of all charges, so why should it matter?"

"Tony, I want to apologize"

"Clint—". This time I interrupted.

"No, Tony. This needs to be said. I'm sorry for not giving a chance to explain yourself. I'm sorry for not defending you when everyone was accusing you. When Thor was holding you by the neck, I should have stopped him. I especially shouldn't have cut contract from you, Tony. It was wrong for me to do that. You have always been there for me, Tony. Not just as brother, but a best friend and the one time you needed someone to defend you, I wasn't there for you. I understand if you want me to leave once I'm cleared from the hospital, but please, forgive me. I want my older brother back"

"Clint, I don't want your apology". I opened my mouth to speak, but he continued. "I don't want your apology because I just want you back, Clint. I missed you, little brother"

"I missed you too. I'm sorry"

"Shut up and hug me, Katniss". I leaned towards Tony as we both hugged each other. "By the way, you can stay here as long as you want"

"Thanks, Tony". We let go of each other, and sat in comfortable silence. At least until I realized something. The serum. They don't know how much was injected into me. What if I do get powers? Jessica said it was most likely going to happen. What if it does? "Tony, do you think I'm going to have powers?"

"Honestly, I don't know, Clint. But we'll worry about that later. Right now, I think it's time for some answers. Come on"

"Right now? Are you sure I'm okay enough to leave?"

"Did you forget that I am a doctor?"

"You're a doctor in science, Tony"

"Yeah, but I'm still a doctor. Anyways, everything looked stable to me. Besides, a certain friend of ours will be happy to see you"

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