Chapter 59

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Steve Rogers' POV

I can't believe all of this happened. It was just supposed to be a simple rescue mission. Wanda would be able to make sure Tony realized that he was wrong, then he would help us defeat the corrupt government and their accords, give up his Iron-Man suit to someone more worthy, and just provide us with the money and the gear that we need to protect the world, but of course, he had to make things more difficult for us.

Now the real heroes are being interrogated for crimes that we never committed, and it's all Tony's fault. Why couldn't he just cooperate with us for once? Why couldn't he just let go of his petty ego and work with us again?

Everything would have went back to normal if he had just listened to me. Now look where we are because he refused to listen to me.

Once again the real heroes have been arrested and placed back into the RAFT. Expect this time, it looked very different than the last time I came here to rescue the team.

I was immediately introduced to an A.I that I didn't have any doubt that Tony must have created it for the RAFT. But why would he do that? Hasn't he learned his lesson about creating A.Is from ULTRON? I admit that Jarvis and Friday were good additions to help us around the compound and the tower, but they always refused to follow our orders and constantly disrespected the team, especially me. Tony shouldn't have given those machines of his so much personality and had them operate with no restrictions.

I also noticed that all of the prison cells had been replaced with HULK-proof metal and glass. Is Tony really that stupid enough to hand over dangerous material like this to the corrupt government? Who knows what else the government will use it for?

I was taken into one of those interrogation rooms where I encountered two familiar people. I recognize these people. These were the two people who really pushed the senate to prosecute Natasha, Sam and I for what happened in the SHIELD Information Dump.

Fortunately, the senate agreed with Natasha that the real heroes were needed and that our actions were selfless, but these people really pushed for us to be prosecuted.

If anyone should be punished, then it should be Tony. Clint and Jessica admitted that he knew about the dump and separated the files. He should be the one responsible for what happened, not the real heroes who fought to make sure that HYDRA would be exposed, but of course, Tony has never taken responsibility for his own actions and never faced any consequences, so why would he start now?

Once I sat down, both of the agents smirked at me and looked at me smugly. Who do they think they are? Treating Captain America like this?

"Good afternoon, Mr. Rogers. Special agents Benjamin Collins and Patricia Martinez, but I assume you already know who we are since we have some history with each other"

"It's Captain Rogers, and I know that both of you tried so hard to get the real heroes prosecuted for our selfless actions"

"Last time I checked, you have been dishonorably discharged from the military and your military status has been revoked because you haven't even completed a week of training"

"Besides, you illegally entered the military after you have been rejected on multiple occasions"

"They had no reason to reject me. I should be able to defend my country without restrictions"

"And I'm assuming that your argument for why you decided to rebel against the original Accords and against the wishes of over 117 countries?"

"The Accords were wrong and the world needed to see that"

"What the world saw was the exact reason why the Accords were needed. Because 'heroes' like you needed to be held accountable for their actions and needed to follow other countries' boundaries and laws"

"Exactly, do you need to be reminded of what happened at Lagos?"

"We had intel that Brock Rumlow was going to use a dangerous weapon in Lagos, so we had to stop him immediately"

"If that was the case, then why didn't you alert the local police or the Nigerian government of the issue, so they could have evacuated the city or stepped in to deal with the issue?"

"In fact, why were you there in the beginning? You did not have permission from the U.S. government to leave the country or the Nigerian government to enter their country. Nor did you notify Dr. Stark about your mission". What does Tony have to do with this? Why does he have to be involved in everything?

"Why should Tony have been involved in Avengers missions? He retired from the Avengers. Even then, he wasn't an official member of the Avengers in the first place; he was just a consultant"

"That might be the case, but he was the one who bought SHIELD after you and your companions decided it was a good idea to expose private government information into the open web and destroy the building itself when you crashed a helipad into it. Not to mention, he built and maintained all of the weapons and materials that the Avengers used for their 'missions'"

"So, if anything, Dr. Stark has the right to know what his items are being used for. While on the topic of that, what were those missions for? Our intel has shown that you never went to Lagos because of Bumlow"

"That is none of your concern"

"Alright, that's your right. By the fifth amendment, you do have the right to remain silent after all"

"Let's move on, shall we? After all, you are here because we have to list out all of your charges and the possible sentence that you might receive"

"But before we continue onto that topic, would you like to accept a plea bargain?"

"A plea bargain?"

"That means you would admit to all of your charges and might be able to receive a lighter sentence"

"Of course not! I will prove to everyone that I'm in the right! The real heroes are always right!"

"Alright, don't say that you didn't try to afford it to you. Now, since Dr. Stark personally requested this to happen, we were start with the charges that he added to your large list of charges"

"Tony? What charges could he possibly add?! I have never done anything wrong to him!"

"Really? Well, we seem to think otherwise, especially Dr. Stark has been so kind as to send us video evidence of the incident that happened in that Siberian bunker"

"How did he manage to get that?", I asked as I started to pale slightly.

"Dr. Stark has requested that the information wouldn't be revealed to you, but as part of this investigation, we are required to ask if you would like to review this evidence with us. Would that be okay with you?"

"... Fine, but I will explain what actually happened in that bunker"

"Sure, we'll see about that. Agent Collins, would you mind starting the video?"

"Gladly". This 'Agent Collins' person started the video of the events that happened in the Siberian bunker. I'm innocent. I know that I'm innocent, Tony should be the one that is to blame. He started the fight, the video proves it. I just needed to defend myself. I will prove my innocence if it is the last thing that I do. 

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