Chapter 25

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Tony's POV

It took a while, but I finally found 177A Bleecker Street. I was pretty hesitant to enter the building because of what the Time Stone told me, but I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for the safety of my teams. So, I carefully entered the building, expecting something to go wrong as soon as I walked in, but found that the building was empty.

"Um, hello. Mr. Strange, I'm here to talk to you about a proposition". Suddenly, I felt something behind me. When I turned around, I saw a man, with a similar goatee as mine, flowing in midair with the eye around his neck and the cloak on his back.

"Tony Stark. What brings you to the Sanctum Sanctorum?"

"Well, like I said, I wanted to offer you a proposition"

"Whatever it is, I'm not interested. Now, please leave"

"Wait, at least hear me out first"


"Ok, so I don't know how much you know about the 'civil war' between the Avengers"

"I know all I need to know"

"Ok, I don't exactly know what that means, but the rogues are coming back in less than a year and most of the team members are concerned that one of the rogues, Wanda Maximoff, might try to violate their minds and force them to live their worst fears. So, I need you to help bind her powers until they're needed or make the team members immune to her powers"

"How do you that I can do that?"

"Well, the Time Stone sort-of told me, but--"

"The Time Stone told you?"


"You can communicate with the Time Stone?"

"Not just the Time Stone, all of the infinity stones, actually"

"How is that possible?"

"The stones saved me while I was dying in Siberia, they gave me powers, including the ability to communicate with them, and etc. But that's not the point, I'm only here to talk about the issue"

"I don't know, I shouldn't leave the sanctum open for threats to destroy it"

"Look, I'm not asking you to join the team, unless you want, of course. We could always use more members, but that's not the main idea, I just need to show up at the tower, put a spell that can make my team members immune to Wanda's powers, then we could go our separate ways. Or I call you when the rogues are arriving, you show up, cast the binding spell on Wanda, then leave. Simple as that"

"I don't know, Mr. Stark. I really don't want to be involved in any Avenger-related problems"

"Usually I don't do this, but I'm begging you, please. I have kids on these teams who don't want to their worst fears being manipulated at the hands of this witch. Look, if Earth's going to survive being attacked by this intergalactic threat, then it needs all the heroes it has. Listen, I'll do anything, just help me protect the safety and wellbeing of my team members, especially the kids"

"Earth's going to be attacked?"

"Yes, the infinity stones warned me that in less than a year, some intergalactic threat's coming to Earth to combine all of the infinity stones. If he's successful, then he's destroy half of the universe. So, you have to understand why I need my teams strong and ready to fight to protect Earth. So, please help me"

"Well, ok. I'll do it, but on one condition"

"Ok, what do you want?"

"I'll provide a spell that'll make anyone you want immune to this Wanda person's magic and provide a binding spell that'll her powers until needed, if I'm allowed to help your teams fight threats when I'm available to help"

"What? Yes, of course. What changed your mind?"

"Like you said, you need all the help you can get. Besides, I'm not very comfortable about the idea of having a team full of kids, running around without some form of protection"

"Don't worry, most of the kids have powers, but they would only do minor emergencies until they're over 21, then they can join an official Avengers team"

"Still doesn't make me anymore comfortable, but I'll help out the teams when I can. Just call me when the rogue Avengers are arriving, then I'll handle everything from there"

"Ok, thanks again. I'll get out of your hair now"

"Trust me, Mr. Stark, we'll probably be seeing a lot of each other"

"Please, just call me Tony. And who should I call you?"

"Dr. Strange". I was confused whether that was his alter ego's name or his official title or something, but I decided not to question it.

"Alright, then. Bye". I walked out of the sanctum into the open streets of New York. Man, if this wasn't an everyday thing for me, then he would've been the weirdest person I've ever met and this would've been the weirdest day of my life.

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