Chapter 58

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Natasha Romanov's POV

I don't understand. How could Stark have figured out our plan to help Wanda escape from her captivity? Steve and I always made sure that none of the 'New Avengers' or Stark were around to hear us discuss our plan, but he still somehow managed to find out about it.

Friday must have told him about it, but I haven't heard her talk to us or any of the other people in the compound, so I assumed that Stark had her offline, but I should have suspected the opposite. Stark would never have his A.I kept offline, not even for a little bit. He is too self-absorbed and obsessed with his technology.

Or maybe it was Harley or Pietro who told him. I should've just stuck to my instincts and not have trusted those two so easily. I should have known that those two would have double-crossed us and betray us.

When I arrived at the RAFT, it looked different than what Steve and the others have told me about it; it looked more advanced and newly updated than what all of them described it to be. I know that Stark had a hand in this. It should be obvious because of the A.I he installed into the system.

I was escorted into one of the interrogation rooms where there were two people already in the room, and I was directed to sit down in the opposite seat from them.

"Ms. Romanov. Special Agents John Michaels and Mitchell Williams. We have been called in to investigate the extent of your crimes"

"But, as you may be aware, we are mostly here to discuss your involvement in the incidents known as the SHIELD Information Dump and the Avengers Civil War"

"Ok". That wasn't so bad. Just like at the senate hearing, I can manage to spin things into my favor and talk my way out of this if they just talk about those incidents.

"But what you may not be aware is that we managed to find new information about the crimes that you have committed during your time at the Red Room, and we are here to discuss that as well". How did they managed to find that information? I had made sure that there was no information on my file about my Red Room missions. Someone must have found it and given it to them, but who did it?

No, it was obvious that it had been Stark. He always managed to hack into SHIELD's databases and remove information from his file, and stick his business into private information that he did not need to know about. He must have done this.

"And what information do you have that shows my involvement with the Red Room?". It must not be anything that major or important. Not even a "genius hacker" that Stark claims he is could ever recover what I had removed from my file.

"Thanks to an informant, who asked to be kept anonymous, has managed to recover that erased information from your exposed file"

"But, in case you don't believe us, we brought the actual, unedited file for you to review for yourself". She placed a file in front of me and opened it. It showed all of the missions that I have completed in the Red Room. I didn't think that Stark would manage to discover all of my missions. I thought that he would find at least a couple of them or at least the ones that would resolve in me having a lighter sentence. How did he managed to find all of this?

"Not only we receive the recovered file information, but the informant also sent us video evidence, but we don't have that much time to review them with you. We'll leave that up to the court". Video evidence? But last time I checked, there weren't any videos of the Red Room in my file. How did Stark managed to get his hands on those videos?

"But we have reviewed those videos beforehand, and you could be looking at about a 20 year sentence in prison"

"Granted, you could have gotten a lesser sentence due to the fact that you were an unwilling participant and a minor around the time you were taken into the Red Room, but the video evidence showed that you were more than happy to torture or kill people"

"And we haven't even began to discuss the sentences of your involvements with the SHIELD Information Dump and the Avengers Civil War"

"Before we continue to discuss those incidents, would you like a chance to possibly argue against the current sentence you have or possibly consider taking a plea bargain?". This is a new low for Stark, even for him. He has gone too far this time. But maybe he is still upset about that report I did on him and that I supposedly betrayed him at the airport during the "Avengers Civil War".

He knew how much I hated to be reminded of what I had done during my time in the Red Room, but he exposed it just to satisfy his ego. Instead of admitting that he was wrong and trying to make amends with his real teammates, he decided to be petty and work against us, and surrounded himself with fake friends he paid off with his money just to attempt to prove that he didn't need us anymore when it was the exact opposite.

"Alright, since you don't want to confirm or deny that you want to do either of the ideas that we presented to you, we will just continue to explain your charges and the possible sentence that you might receive". Stark has gotten away with this for too long, but whenever I manage to work my out of here, I'll make sure that Stark will regret ever exposing my deepest secrets like that. For once, he'll face the consequences of the actions that he did over the years. I'll make sure of it, even if it is the last thing that I do.

A/N: Hi everyone! Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Now, normally I wouldn't do this, but I decided to make a challenge before I wrote about Steve's interrogation. Who do you think is the informant who exposed the evidence of Natasha's Red Room crimes?

I'll give everyone a hint because I expect what most people are going to say. It was not Tony who did it. I will reveal the culprit in a future chapter, but I want to know people's guesses, so leave them down in the comments. Goodbye for now!

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