Chapter 37

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Steve's POV

The nerve of that kid yesterday. She didn't have the right to condemn us of our heroic actions. Yes, we might have destroyed SHIELD in the process and may have killed some people in the process, but we destroyed HYDRA and saved millions of other people as well.

"She had a point, Steve", Natasha said, distracting me from my thoughts.


"Jessica. She had a point and you know it"

"Natasha, she was out of line. We didn't do anything wrong, we destroyed HYDRA and saved the world. We're heroes"

"But we allowed innocent agents and innocent families to die, and we didn't do anything about it"

"We did as much as we could. You know that the only person who could've fix the situation is Tony, and he didn't anything in time. He has as much blood on his hands as us. At least you tried to hide as much information as you could on those files. He didn't do anything to help us. Trust me, we did the right thing in the end"

"Alright". She didn't sound convinced, but she'll see that we did the right thing in the end. Suddenly, that kid, Jessica, walked into our room. What does she want now? She already caused enough problems for the Avengers with her lies.

"What do you want now?", I asked in a angry tone. Her face remained neutral and emotionless for a second, then she became defensive.

"Would you relax?! I'm not here to fight with anybody this time. I'm just here to inform Mr. Barnes that Tony's ready for his appointment"

"Alright, we'll be down there in a minute"


"We?", Bucky said at the same time as Jessica when he walked into the room.

"Well, I need to make sure that Tony doesn't try to do something to Bucky"

"I'll take my chances"

"Yeah, Tony would never anything malicious on purpose. Come on, Mr. Barnes, follow me". Bucky tried to follow Jessica, but I stopped him.

"Come on, Bucky, I know Tony longer than you did, and I know what he's like. You can't trust him"

"You don't get to make that decision for me, punk. I want to get rid of these triggers before I can hurt someone else, and Stark seems to be the only person who can help me, so like I said, I'll take my chances. So, move!". He shoved me out of the way and followed Jessica out of the room. What has gotten into Bucky? He's been acting like this since Siberia

Bucky's POV

Honestly, I don't know what has gotten into Steve these days. It's bad enough that he was willing to leave his own teammate in a cold and abandoned bunker in a disabled suit alone with no help, but now, he seems to want to avoid as much responsibility as he could. What happened to the old Steve? Has he always been like this?

"I don't know how you were able to deal with Rogers for so long, but he's the worst, no offense"

"Not taken, but was he always like this?"

"Mostly to Tony and everyone who doesn't agree to his delusional views"

"Why? What did Stark ever do to him?"

"Well, Rogers expected Tony to be just like his father, and when he didn't turn out to be that way, at least to be the way he knew Howard, he disliked him for it"

"I didn't think Steve would be like that. I didn't think he would leave Stark alone in that bunker for three days without any help. He promised that Stark would be fine. What happened to "never leave a man behind"?"

"Don't blame yourself, it's not your fault that Rogers became a self-righteous and entitled moron"

"But I still attacked Stark too"

"Yeah, but Tony doesn't hate you for that. You attacked in self defense, but it's not like you were the one who shoved a metal shield through his chest, then left him in an abandoned bunker in a powered-down suit for three days", she said with clear resentment in her voice.

"I'm sorry that Steve did that"

"Stop apologizing for other people's actions. You're starting to sound like Tony". Once we reached the lab entrance, we both used our access cards to open the door, then we walked into one of the labs until we met up with Tony Stark. "Alright, Tony, I've brought him"

"Great. Thanks, Jessica". Jessica left the labs and I was left alone with the man whose parents I killed and probably still hates me for it. "So, shall we get started?"

"Sure...", I answered with some uneasiness.

"I'm not mad at you if that's what you're thinking. I know that you weren't in control of your actions", he responded as he seemed to notice how nervous I felt around him.

"But it was still my hands that killed them"

"I know, but that's what my BARF technology is for"


"Yes, I know it's a weird name. Everyone always telling me that I should reconsider that acronym. It stands for Binarily Augmented Retro-Framing; it supposed to help remove triggers from people"

"That's incredible"

"It's kind of what I do. So, I figured that I should show you how it works first, then we could test it out on you another day, does that sound like a plan to you?"

"Sure, we could do that". So, he started to show me the basics on how the technology works, it seemed pretty simple once he started to explain it. It kind of reminded me of The Chair that HYDRA would use to brainwash me, but I think that I can trust Stark enough to not try to brainwash me.

"So, that's the basics of the technology, any questions?"

"No, I think I understand, but why are you helping me? After all, I killed your parents"

"Well, back at that bunker, I was angry because I didn't expect to be a few feet away from my parents' murderer, but I was more angry at Rogers because he hid that fact from me and had no intention on telling me. But I wasn't trying to kill you two, I just wanted Rogers to feel the pain and hurt that I felt when he kept that information as a secret, but when you got involved in the fight, I had to defend myself without having to kill any of you two. Sorry about blasting your metal arm off during the battle, I can rebuild you a new one if you want"

"You don't have to. You're already helping me remove my triggers, I don't want you to feel obligated to help me"

"It's not a problem. Really, I insist"

"Well, Thank you, Stark"

"And please, call me Tony. I hate it when people call me Stark"

"Oh, sorry. Everyone told me that you liked to be called Stark"

"Yeah, I can also assume that they told you that I liked to be called Stark because it appeases my ego. It doesn't matter. Well, that's all I need from you today. So we can test out BARF whenever you're ready, so I'll see you soon"

"Great, thanks, St--Tony". I left the labs, feeling a lot better about meeting Tony. Tony didn't act like how the others described him to act. He's actually pretty nice and generous. He's even willing to help rebuild my arm. Meeting Tony wasn't as bad as I expected.

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