Chapter 4

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Tony's POV

I walked around the tower until I got to the room I needed to be at. I was hesitant to enter. Did I really want to do this? The last time we met, he worked with Ultron and tried to kill the Avengers. But the soul stone wouldn't bring him back if Pietro wanted to kill me, right?

"Of course not, I may have the ability to control life and death, but I would never purposely kill somebody". Wait, did the soul stone just talk to me? In my head?

"Yes, he did", the mind stone said.

"Wait, I can communicate with you guys? Even when you're not here?", I asked mentally.

"Well, of course, Mr. Stark. Did you really think you wouldn't have the ability to communicate with us? After all of us gave you powers?", the reality stone asked.

"Well, I thought it was one of those things where someone gives your powers, then throw you under the bus for you to figure them out yourselves"

"No! We want to help you as much as we can. We all consider you our friend, even though this is technically the first time we actually talked to each other", the space stone said.

"Well, I'll admit you're far more better friends than my former colleagues"

"Good. The last thing I want is to be compared to those traitors"

"Anyways, back to the topic. Tony, it's fine. I promise he won't harm you in anyway. Besides if he does, I'll make sure he's living in his worse nightmare when I bring him back to my part of the universe. You don't want to mess with an infinity stone, Tony Stark. It ends badly"

"Remind me to never get on your bad side". The rest of the stones chuckled at that.

"Yeah, you don't want to see us when we're angry. Just look at how Mind is acting. She hasn't been this mad in years, and she's the most level-headed compared to us all. Anyways, we got your back. We wouldn't let anything happen to you"

"Thanks, everyone"

"Anytime, Mr. Stark".

I entered the room to see Maximoff looking around the place frantically. I guess the soul stone didn't notify him about the deal he made with me.

"Hello there, Speedy Gonzales". Pietro jumped as he turned around to face me.

"Stark". He didn't state that in a vicious way. Just a confused one.

"Blue streak"

"Stark. I don't know how I got here. One minute, I was walking around in the soul world, then, a portal appeared and now I'm here. What happened?"

"Oh, that's a long story. I'll explain later, but the one thing you need to know is you're being offered to join the new avengers. Do you want it?"

"Me? Why? After what happened with Ultron? After what my sister and I did to you?"

"Pietro, you're not your sister. Compared to her, you didn't cause that much trouble for the avengers, and I'm offering you a second chance. To help protect citizens"

"I saw what happened in the soul world. I saw that it wasn't your bomb that killed my parents. I'm sorry I blamed you"

"Don't apologize. I should've been paying more attention to what's been going on in my company"

"I've also seen what my sister has been doing. She's not the sister that I've known anymore. I don't know how you even managed to be in the same room as her. How can you be in the same room as me? She's my twin sister. We both tried to destroy the Avengers, especially her"

"You're not your sister, Pietro. She made her choice, and you have a chance to choose yours. I'm giving you a chance to start over and do good, but the choice is yours. Do you accept my offer?"

He hesitated for a moment until he made his decision. "Yes, I accept, but can you trust me?"

"If I didn't trust you, I wouldn't even be in this room right now. Now, let me show you where your room is". We were about to leave the room until Friday's voice rang through the room"

"Boss. Jessica wanted me to alert you that Clint Barton is awake". Clint's awake. My little brother is awake.

"Ok, change of plans. Friday will show you where you are staying. I have to go see Clint. I'll meet everyone in the living area later, okay?"

"Ok. Can I come see Clint?"

"Well, I don't want to freak him out when he just woke up. The only other person who knows you're alive is my cousin, Jessica. You'll see him later, though. When I explain to everyone what happened since the bunker incident. Just listen to Friday on the directions to your room, ok?" He nodded, so then I went to the elevator to lead me down to the hospital.

Clint's POV

I woke up with a groan, as I took to my surroundings. I'm in a hospital, but not just any hospital. The tower's hospital. Tony. He saved me? After I refused to talk to him after Ultron? Why?

"Clint, you're finally awake". I turned to the side to find my cousin, Jessica, sitting in the seat beside me.

"Jessica, it's been a while, hasn't it? Where's Tony?"

"Yeah, it has been. It's nice to see you again. Tony's dealing with a situation at the moment, but I had Friday alert him that you were awake, so he should be here any second now"

"What happened?"

"Secretary Ross found out that you were Tony's brother, so he captured you, and planned to experiment an untested version of the super soldier serum. Fortunately, Vision and I found you and had Ross arrested and removed from the committee. Unfortunately, we were too late. We don't know how much of the serum you were injected with, so most likely, you're going to have powers"

"Oh". Why am I a little disappointed that Tony didn't rescue me? He wouldn't care, would he? Speaking of Tony. "What was Tony doing during this?"

"He was busy fighting the rogue avengers at an airport in Germany. He also went missing for three days until Vision and I rescued him in a Siberian bunker owned by HYDRA"

My eyes widened with shock. Tony was missing for three days? In a HYDRA bunker? I feel like it has something to do with the rogue avengers. Steve called me to recruit me on his team, but I said no. Stating that I was retired from any Avengers' business. If Steve has done anything to hurt my brother, I'll make sure he'll regret doing so. "Is he okay?"

"He's fine now, but we had to inject him with Extremis and put his arc reactor back in because he died on the operating table four times". Four times? Four times?! He died four times?!

"What happened in that bunker?", I asked angrily. I sounded more angry than I wanted to be.

"I don't know. He'll explain everything later tonight". I heard the door and I looked up to Tony standing in the middle of my room.

"Hello, Tony"

"Hello, Clint"

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