Chapter 56

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Natasha Romanov's POV

If I have planned this out correctly, and I know that I have, then Steve and I should have Wanda out of her containment in a couple of hours, and once we successfully manage to do that, then we would be able to keep Stark in check by letting her influence him to spin everything into our favor once again and listen to our orders.

I shouldn't have let Fury give him so much free range in SHIELD's or the Avengers' operations because look at where that got us; Stark managed to break up the Avengers and steal my best friend away from me. I don't intend to make the same mistake again.

At least I managed to get some control over Stark by hitting where it hurt the most; his ego. It still wasn't enough, but at least I managed to get some leverage over him. Just like when he broke up the Avengers, I made him believe that I was on his side because his ego allowed it. As if I will actually choose Stark over Steve, but obviously he wouldn't actually think about that.

I can't wait to arrive to this prison, so everything can go back to normal and we wouldn't have to worry about Tony ruining everything again.

Steve Rogers' POV

I still can't believe how easy it was to walk out of the compound, Natasha and I didn't even hear Friday alert anyone when we walked outside. But it doesn't matter, at least none of those so-called New Avengers tried to stop the real heroes from doing what's right.

And it proves that Tony's AI technology isn't as effective as he claims it is and it was just him showing off again.

But that'll be one of the things that'll be fixed about Tony when we allow Wanda to influence him; he'll finally start doing the right thing for once in his life and not create all of the problems that the real heroes have to deal with.

As soon as we arrived at the prison and stepped out of the car, we were immediately surrounded by armored people holding tranquilizer guns and tasers, and forced towards the ground. What's the meaning of this? This is no way to treat Captain America!

Suddenly, Tony walked towards us with Pepper and Rhodey next to him, along with another woman with green skin.

"Mr. Rogers and Ms. Romanov. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in court", the woman stated.

"Tony, what's the meaning of this?!". I know that Tony had to be involved in this.

"Come on, Rogers. Did you really expect me to just sit there while you and Romanov planned to use that witch to mess with my mind and make me your personal slave and not intervene?". Personal slave? I would never try to make him a personal slave. I just wanted him to see that he was wrong and make him finally apologize to his real family and support us the way that he used to.

"Where's Wanda?". Tony had better not have done anything to her. He already caused her so much pain in her life.

"Oh, the mind-invading witch? She's on her way to the RAFT to be prosecuted for her charges, now including assault on a minor and attempted assault on multiple people"

"She's just a kid!". She doesn't deserve this, she did nothing right.

"Rogers, she's nineteen. She's definitely not a kid; therefore, she can be tried as an adult"

"Tony, you can't do this to us! We're your family!". Why doesn't he understand that? He shouldn't be doing this to his real family; the ones who actually care about him.

"Rogers, no one on that 'team', besides Bruce, Thor, and Clint, acted like family towards me. All you people have done was berate down, gaslight me, and blame me for things that I wasn't at fault for! Not to mention that neither of you told me the truth about my parents, which both of you knew for about two years!"

"Tony, be reasonable. I'm sorry we didn't tell you about what happened to your parents, but you can't arrest us because you want to be petty and satisfy your ego"

"Be petty and satisfy my ego? You think that I'm the reason you're being arrested? Well, newsflash, Romanov, I'm not. But instead of telling you, I'll just leave that to my representatives when the both of you join the witch in the RAFT". The RAFT? How could he send us back there?!


"No, Rogers, now it's time for you to finally face the consequences of your actions. Be glad that I'm actually trying to give you and Romanov a chance to get a lesser sentence, but based on all of the charges that you two have, that might even be possible. Face it, Rogers, the majority of the world hates you and is done with Captain America and the Avengers in general. It's time for you to accept that you might be wrong and that the world disagrees with you". That can't be true! The world needs the Avengers. The world needs Captain America. "By the way, speaking of people who hate you. Rogers, Romanov, meet your former SHIELD members; the same ones who you burned and abandoned after the SHIELD internet dump. Figure that they should have the satisfaction of escorting you two to the RAFT as a form of justice. Alright, everyone, take them to the van!"

The former SHIELD members placed handcuffs on us and escorted us to the highly guarded van. This wasn't supposed to happen. This shouldn't be happening. The world needs the Avengers. They can't do this to us.

I won't give up. I will not surrender to these bullies. Soon, the world will realize that it needs their real heroes back, that it needs Captain America back. Soon, Tony will realize that he'll need his real family back. I'll make sure that the Avengers will be back in operation, even if it is the last thing that I do.

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