Chapter 22

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Ethan's POV

I can't believe it. My mom's finally coming home to Earth. My whole family's going to be fighting evil together. I can tell wait to hear all of her stories about adventures and tell her about the team. I also can't wait to meet her friends because if I have to be honest, I was quite confused when I heard who they were; mostly about their species. But if they're willing to help, then who am I to judge?

Loki, Peter, Pietro, and Harley were with me on the roof while Jessica went to tell Tony about the new members.

"So, remember me again, why do we have to be on the roof of the tower?", Harley asked for the thousandth time today.

"I told you, they're arriving in the spaceship and there's no room for them in the streets. So, they're landing on the roof"

"But why the roof? We're 1130 feet up from the ground", Peter asked.

"Hey. May I remind you that you wanted to come out here? I didn't force any of you to come up here"

"Yeah, we know, but the roof?"

"Yes, now stop complaining and look out for spaceships". Everyone started to relax a little bit, while I was looking out for the ship. I know she said a couple of hours, but I couldn't wait. This is one of the few times I actually get to see her, and the possible change she's staying permanently? Yeah, I couldn't wait.

"So, Ethan. You mentioned that your mom had the powers of the space stone, so did you get your powers from her or did something else happen?", Loki asked.

"No, my dad caused me to have my powers, but it was by accident. He was a scientist who managed to get his hands on the space and soul stones. He accidentally fused my DNA with the space and soul stones when I managed to get into his lab. Ever since the accident, he devoted himself to studying my powers and helping me control them since he felt responsible for the incident. When he died, my half-brother took up the position of being the scientist of the family"

"Well, I'm sorry to hear that. I'm sure your brother did as much as he could with helping you"

"Yeah, he did. You'll meet him and Jessica's half-brother today as well"

"Wait, Spider-Girl has a half-brother?"

"Yeah, she recently met him during a trip to New Jersey. I met him once; he's a cool guy"

"Wait, is he the one with the Extremis powers or the transmorphing powers?", Pietro asked.

"The Extremis powers. My brother's the one who has super intelligence and transmorphing"

"Oh, cool"

"Hey, guys. I hate to interrupt, but is that the ship we're supposed to be looking out for?". I looked up to where Peter was pointing at and saw a ship flying towards the tower in the distance.

"It has to be them. I mean how often does New York have spaceships flying around? I'll text Jessica and tell and her and Tony to come up here"

The ship proceeded to come towards the roof of the tower, then pulled out the landing gear to safely land on the roof. Eight people and my mom's flerken, Goose, stepped off, one of them was my mother, Carol Danvers aka Captain Marvel.

"Hi, mom". I ran over to hug her and she hugged me back.

"Hi, honey. How's life on Earth treating you?"

"As good as it can be. Mom, I'll like you to meet the some of members of the team I'm on, Peter, Harley, Loki, and Pietro. My team leader's on the way, she's busy getting her cousin to meet everyone"

"I'm sorry to interrupt this reunion/meeting, but what's with the cat?

"She's not a cat, she's a flerken"

"Flerken? What's a flerken?"

"Trust me, you don't want to know. Anyways, mom, what's everyone's names again?"

"Oh right, kids, let me introduce you to the Guardians of the Galaxy. This is Peter Quill, Gamora, Nebula, Drax, Mantis, Rocket, and Groot"

"Nice to meet you guys, we really appreciate everyone helping to protect Earth"

"I'm only here to meet the iron destroyer who single-handedly defeated the army of Thanos", the muscular alien, Drax, said.

"The iron destroyer? Oh, you mean Tony"

"Yeah, we heard that a man in an iron suit single-handedly defeated an entire army sent by Thanos"

"Yeah, you're definitely talking about Tony"

"Hey! We're here, sorry for being late", Jessica said as she walked next to me with Tony behind her.

"Hi, I'm Tony Stark. Welcome to Stark Tower and the New Avengers"

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