Chapter 9

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(The Next Day)

Three-Person's POV/Steve's POV

Even since the Avengers split, the team hasn't been the same. The media calls it a 'Civil War', but that's over-exaggerating it. Anyways, our team hasn't been the same since then. Natasha finally joined us in Wakanda; she's been trying to get Clint to meet us here, but he kept refusing. Wanda has been missing Vision. Scott has been missing his daughter. Sam started having second doubts about joining us. Bucky has been put into cryogenic sleep until they found a way to get rid of his triggers. I wish Tony would have seen the errors in the accords. Why the accords were wrong, but it doesn't seem like he wants to see the truth. I know I should've told him the truth about his parents, but the way he reacted. I knew I was right about not telling him. He should've known that HYDRA killed his parents, not Bucky. Bucky was a victim like him.

We're watching the news to see if the media would say that we could come home. To see that people would realize that they need the Avengers, but so far, nothing. Suddenly, they announced that Tony was having a press conference right now and they're going to report it shortly.

Natasha was about to change the channel, but I stopped her.

"Wait, let's hear what Tony has to say. Maybe he'll announce that he's bringing us home"

"I doubt it. Stark only cares about himself", Wanda angrily retorted. Regardless, Natasha kept the channel on.

The news, then, proceeded to show the outside of Avengers' tower with a lot of reporters sitting outside it. Suddenly, the lights got brighter as a woman around her early 20s stepped onto the podium.

"Good afternoon, everyone. I know I'm not Tony Stark, but he'll show up near the end of this press conference. I'm here to clear up some things evolving around the recent event known as 'Avengers' Civil War"

That's great. Maybe Tony finally realized he was wrong, but why doesn't he say so himself. Maybe he just wants to protect his ego.

"But before I do, allow me to introduce myself. My name's Jessica Drew. I'm the younger cousin of Tony Stark"

Tony has a cousin? Not just one, but multiple? Why didn't he tell him? He has to stop hiding things from me, from his teammates.

"And it's an honor to do my first press conference today. Anyways, now I think it's time that the public learns the truth about the civil war. As most may know, the war started because of the forms known as The Sokovia Accords. These forms were meant for the Avengers and mutants to take responsibility for their actions"

That's not true. The Accords were going to put us under the control of the government. They were going to make the Avengers into government drones. Why don't people understand that? What did Tony tell her?

"While a few, like Tony Stark, decided to support the Accords, others, like the rest of the Avengers, decided to rebel against them. Keep in mind that the Avengers that didn't sign could've retired, but instead chose to cause billions of dollars in the destruction and chaos"

Destruction is a small price to pay when you're saving lives in the process. She doesn't know what she's talking about.

"In case there are people watching this who don't believe me, I have created a montage of the destruction the Avengers caused. Before and during the events of the civil war"

The montage behind her showed a third-person view of the events in Lagos. The montage showed the Avengers fighting, in an over-crowded city, against Brock Rumlow. It showed Wanda directing Rumlow, with her powers, into a building, which resulted in the deaths of several Wakandan workers.

"As you just witnessed, the Avengers, instead of directing the fight in an non-crowded area or alerting the local police to evacuate the area, decided to fight in a crowded area. They also decided to bring a untrained person onto the field whose actions caused the death of several Wakandan workers"

I can't believe this! Wanda couldn't help it if people were afraid of her abilities. She's just a kid; she's still learning. I looked over to Wanda, who looked red in the face.

"I don't control people's fears. I only control my own". I felt bad for her. She doesn't deserve this.

"Before I show the rest, I think it's best if I showed you a little more about the person who caused the Wakandan workers' death. Her name's Wanda Maximoff. Her powers derived from the Mind stone, which is one of the Infinity Stones. Her powers are mind control, brainwashing, and mind manipulation. Don't believe me, that's fine. I'll just show you"

The screen showed the HYDRA bunker where Tony grabbed the specter. Wanda showed up and used her powers on Tony, which caused him to have visions.

"Now I know what you may be asking, what did she do to Tony? She made Tony witness a vision which showed all his teammates dead on the ground, Cap's shield broken. Cap saying you should've save us. This resulted in the creation of Ultron. Tony only created the A.I Ultron, so the Avengers would no longer be needed. The coding in the A.I was corrupted by the mind specter, which caused Ultron to become insane, as the best term I can put it in. Wanda Maximoff blamed Tony Stark for the death of her parents. Her home was apparently hit by a Stark Industries bomb, which killed her parents and trapped her and her twin brother in their apartment for two days. I researched the bomb and found that it was not a genuine Stark Industries bomb. It was a fake, as fake S.I bombs would just have the word STARK on it, other than STARK INDUSTRIES"

"I don't believe that for a second. He's still responsible for their deaths. No matter what anybody says"

"Anyways, back to the events of the civil war. Two of the rogues, Steve Rogers and Sam Wilson go to Bucharest to track down an old friend of Rogers, James Barnes or as some may know him as The Winter Soldier. Rogers was attempting to stop the police from doing was they were ordered to do, and arrested James Barnes"

I had to. They were going to kill him. Why would people understand that?

"Rogers and Barnes blew up the apartment they were in and ran into the street, which they proceeded to steal a car and a motorcycle. The next video I'm about to show you is a bit graphic, so I warn those watching this. Watch with caution"

The video played in three-person as it showed Steve, Bucky, Sam, and the Black Panther(A/N: R.I.P Chadwick Boseman) fighting under a bridge in Bucharest, which caused the bridge in question to collapse.

"When the rogues collapsed the bridge, it killed 30 people, including 6 children. They were apprehended, but they escaped when Bucky was triggered. Rogers and Barnes recruited Sam Wilson, Wanda Maximoff, and Scott Lang to join their cause to find and destroy the remaining winter soldiers"

Finally she got one fact right. We did this to protect the people.

"But they did so without authorization from the committee"

Never-mind. This press conference is going to get worse before it gets better.

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