Chapter 10

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Three-Person's POV/Steve's POV

"The rogues, then proceeded to an airport in Germany, to steal a jet to go to Siberia"

The screen showed the fight at the Leipzig airport, where it showed Natasha Romanoff hitting Black Panther with her widow bites and allowing Rogers and Barnes to escape on the jet. The screen also showed Vision shooting a laser from his head at Sam, which he dodged, but it hit James Rhodes instead, which caused him to falling straight towards the ground. Tony tried to save him, but couldn't make it in time.

"Colonel James Rhodes was paralyzed from the waist down. He doesn't blame Tony, Vision or Sam Wilson for his paralysis, but he does blame Rogers"

How was this my fault? I didn't shoot you down, Rhodey. If anything, it's Tony that needs to be blamed.

"Anyways, here's my final piece before Tony speaks. The event that ended the civil war. This event happened in Siberia. After Tony arrested the rogues, he went after Rogers and Barnes. But, as he promised Sam Wilson, he went as a friend. Instead of explaining this part to you, I will show you. I will warn you that this video is graphic, anyone here or watching this from home. If you must leave during this video, you are allowed to. This video is not for the faint-hearted. I will proceed to play the video now"

The video showed Tony, Steve and Bucky into the bunker, making a truce. It showed that the remaining Winter Soldiers were already dead. Zemo appeared, who showed them footage of Tony's parents being killed by Bucky. Tony asked if Rogers knew. He said yes. Tony, hurt by Rogers' lie, proceeded to attack him and Bucky. Tony shot off Bucky's arm, and proceeded to attack Rogers. Rogers, with the help of Bucky, overtook Tony. Steve started hitting Tony in the head over and over with the shield until the helmet broke. Steve lifted the shield over his head, making it look like he wanted to behead Tony, but instead disable the suit by hitting it in the core. Steve and Bucky proceeded to leave until Tony started to say that the shield didn't belong to him. That his father made that shield, and that he doesn't deserve it. Steve proceeded to drop the shield as he continued to leave. Leaving Tony alone in the bunker with the shield.

"Tony was left in that bunker for three days before Vision and I saved him. He died on the operating table four times, but fortunately, we were able to save him"

Everyone looked at me with shocked expressions on their faces. Some with angry expressions.

"You said that you would tell him", Natasha said angrily.

"And you said that he was fine when you left", Sam added.

I was about to make them see my side of the story until Jessica spoke on the T.V again.

"Now, that you know the events of the civil war. I hope you leave with some understanding afterwards. But the choice is yours on which team you're on. Anyways, I think I've kept you waiting long enough. Now, here's the man of the hour. My oldest cousin, Tony Stark". Tony proceeded to walk outside the tower, sporting his best press smile. He hugged Jessica before stepping up onto the podium.

Tony looked younger. He looked like he was in his 30s. Did he use the super soldier serum? Is that how he survived?

"Evening, everyone. I would announce myself, but you all know who I am. First I have to congratulate Jessica Drew on a fantastic opening statement, don't you agree?. The reporters clapped in agreement.

"I thought so. Before I allow questions, I would like to state somethings. I have talked with the Accords committee and they agreed that the accords need to be fix"

Finally, Tony agreed that the accords need to be changed. No piece of government form should tell the Avengers how to protect people.

"I'm working on a revised version of the accords called the Avengers Registration Acts. Anyone who signs will be accepted into the New Avengers initiative, but will have to go through extensive training to see if they are fit for the New Avengers"

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