Part 5: FOR HIM ?

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Vansh's POV

I knew it was dangerous but all I could think then was to save him. He would have never asked for it, so I had to go there without informing him.
When I returned, everyone stormed me at the door itself ! Dadi was worried a lot.

I told her, "its nothing dadi, I will be fine. You know me. Please don't stress !"

I assured everyone that I was fine. The only missing person there was Riddhima. But wait, she is just an employee. Why do I think about her ?

It's not my fault's her eyes. It was always them, they speak ! I could not empty my thoughts about her.
All I could see was her eyes..saw fear in them,when I left.
Was she worried ? I don't know. She has always been a puzzle for me.

Where is she now ?.. Ahh there, standing in the corner.
Wait.. she is crying ? For me ?? But why ?

Should I go to her ? Should I ask her to stop those tears ? Uhhh..they bother me so much.

But wait.. why do I care ? Umm.. I know, it's just because she is my employee and I don't want her to be hurt or troubled.
Yeah that's it.

I make my way to her.. only to see her tears falling over those glittery red cheeks. Those red eyes, they literally pierced through my heart.


I am getting mad. I never believed in all this !! I asked her, "why are you...crying ?" To which she rubs off her tears and says, "No I am not ! When you came, I was in the kitchen. onions--onions did this." And started to look away.
I was shocked at her reply, rather I wanted to laugh at it ! She is such a naive girl. She can't even lie properly.

But I controlled myself and said, " Fair enough !! Now, can you please help me with the dressing ? You are a doctor right ?"
Without taking a minute, she says yes and then we start to head towards my room. Everyone was shocked over this.

And, I was shocked too.. Why did I ask for her help ? There were many other people to help me out. Just WHY?

Riddhima's POV

He was approaching towards me and all I could see was his injured arm. Tears were involuntary. I don't know why I teared up ! But I did.

He asked for help in dressing, to which I readily said yes. Why? I am here to hurt him right ?
Why my heart aches to see him hurt ?

Yeah.. I know,... just because I want him behind the bars and not dead. I want Kabir to catch him and not kill him.

(This wound was not going to kill him anyway, but she is trying to justify her feelings. Same like Vansh !!)

I could not see the wound properly. So, I had to ask him to remove his shirt. He was struggling to remove it.
Ofcourse because of the wound. So, I helped.

I don't know why his eyes have always been the reason of me defying my own self ! They speak volumes to me .. I don't know why his gaze.. is so soothing !!

STOP!!! STOP !!!
What the hell are you thinking ? You remember , you are here for a mission.

He was not even blinking. There was no sense of pain in his eyes, while I just held back my excruciating agony and tears. I quickly did the bandage and moved back !
He asked me, " what are you worried about ? Why do you hold back your tears all this while ?"

And all I could say was,"You are mistaken Mr. Vansh Rai Singhania !! I feel for everyone .. be it a human or an animal ! And you are no different"

He just smiled and said, "But I never said that you are worried about me !! You just clarified yourself for a question I didn't ask you !"

I knew it, he is gonna sense it all. My tears, my fears, my worries but what should I tell him ? Even I don't know why am I doing all this. Why do I worry ? Why do I cry ? FOR HIM ???

End of part five
Thank you for reading

Love happens with the most unexpected person at the most unexpected time. And here, the love is in the air.. its blossoming !! ❤️❤️

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