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Kabir shouts over call, " How can you be so sure ? They might just be tricking us. How can she fall for him ? She loves me dam it!"

Call cuts.

Kabir punches the wall in rage and continues," He lured her. She fell for him ? What's so special about him ? No can't do this to me. I can't lose to him again.

In VR mansion..

Angre: Boss the Mehtas have invited you to their family gathering today. They want to start fresh and apologise for whatever happened.

Vansh (Reading a file): ok! When do we need to go ? Reschedule my meetings.

Angre: Boss they have invited you, with family. So, shall I ask dadi if they can go or not ?

Vansh pauses turning the pages and rolls his eyes to think of something,
" Wait Angre ! You know I don't indulge family in business, but since this is a crucial one.. I will ask Riddhima to come with me.
There will be media who can capture us together for the help of my dear enemy mastermind. He might be confused by now, let me help him !"
Vansh moves out of the room with a smirk.


Riddhima is helping dadi in arti preparations when Vansh steps in and says," Riddhima, we need to talk. Come.."

Riddhima looks up at him.

Riddhima : Vansh, let me complete this first and then we can talk.

Vansh: No, it's urgent ! Nobody has ever denied me. Come now..

Riddhima : Get used to this because I am not like others. I don't fear you.

Dadi was smiling listening them arguing.

Vansh is shocked : Ahh...I you wan-...

Dadi interrupts Vansh and says," You two are so sweet, fighting like kids. Riddhima.., go beta ,I will do this. Afterall everything is already arranged here."

Riddhima nods in affirmative and looks at Vansh with piercing eyes. Vansh furrows his brows as he notices her. They move to the hall and Vansh starts,
Vansh: We are going to a party today. I have kept your clothes in your room and asked Sia to help you. Be ready by 7.

Riddhima : Ohh hello ?? Did you bother to ask me ? What if I am busy and say no ?

She pouts.
He smiles at her expression and continues,

Vansh: You will have to come sweetheart ! Okay.. fine.. I will ask you this time, and remember it's the only time I am doing this.

She narrows her eyes and thinks, " So, he is considering to ask at least. I should go with him, I may get to hear something there."

She nods, "Okay! I will be ready by 7" and heads to her room.

Vansh sighs, "Oh God this girl is gonna make me mad one day. Such a stubborn kid !"

In the evening..

Vansh is waiting in the hall, " It's already 7:15 and she is still busy with her makeup. Waao.. we are going to be late !" He growls.

He is busy looking at his watch when he hears a footstep descending the stairs. He looks up angrily and his gaze freezes. His emotions in his eyes become soft. Riddhima notices him awestruck, she was wearing a peach gown, with little to-no makeup. But makeup was never a measure for her. She was naturally the most beautiful person vansh ever met !

She reaches up to him and says, " let's go..I am sorry for being late."
Vansh is mesmerized and offers his hand to lead her to the car, .. which she smilingly accepts.

In the party

Mr. Mehta : Welcome Vansh, I knew you would never forget our decade-long relations. Problems may come and go.

Vansh just looks at him and nods.

Mr Mehta continues : And who is this beautiful lady ?
(He progresses towards her and is about to hold her hand)

Vansh swiftly steps in between,..helds her hand and says, " MY GIRL! "

Mr Mehta : Whoa...not a Vansh Rai Singhania thing ! As far as I know, you were never a love type ?!

Vansh just smiles, curls his fingers around hers and enters the party.
Riddhima has an unusual feeling. She is attracted towards him. The way he is holding her hand, not letting her go away. The way he introduced her, everything..

Vansh is talking to someone while Riddhima is just glancing at the party lights, people and HIM. Meanwhile a man approaches her and says, " Seems the pretty lady is getting bored. Wanna join for a dance ?" He bows a little, extending his arm to her. She looks at Vansh who was trying to control flares in his eyes. Vansh thinks, " How do I care if she dances or not ? Let her enjoy the party !" and loosens his grip.

She narrows her look , as if she wanted to ask, " WHY? Why did you let go off me ?"

She accepts the dance proposal and stands up from her place, looking at Vansh continuously.

A soothing warm music is been played. Lights are dim and cozy. Riddhima is on the dance floor with the other man, who is enough smitten by her and Vansh has all his attention and gaze locked at them. He is fuming to see those hands touching her, caressing her back and his lips smiling for her.

"ENOUGH !!".. Vansh stands up and storms on the dance floor. He approaches them and gives a stern look, with his eyes screaming " back off!" The man soon leaves her and steps away.

Vansh looks at Riddhima, smiles and holds her waist pulling her closer for the dance. While Riddhima is only blushing at his behaviour.

"Ohh.. jealousy,blushing, being the game has already grown intense. I like it !! But Riddhimaaa... This is the worst mistake of your life and you will surely regret !"
Says Kabir, who entered the party.. disguised as a waiter.

He calls someone saying, " You were right ! She is attracted to him. And now, I CHANGED PLAN ! "

End of part ten
Thanks for reading

Hello peeps,, I know this chapter was lengthy. Sorry for that. And please stick to the story because this fan fiction is nowhere near to what all u have heard or read.

I assure you, something unexpected is coming your way.
This story will have nearly 7-10 more chapters. Please bear with me. Thanks for your support and lovely comments ❤️❤️

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