Part 29: COUNTDOWN !!

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Vansh stumbles and takes a step back !

Kabir : Tell him ! Whole of it.

Arav : Rajveer had doubts of fraud in the company. He wanted to cross check and had already discussed scenarios with Veerendra. We thought we will be able to escape all of it, but Rajveer caught us. He was going to spill the beans. We all knew how much Veerendra trusted him. Both of them would have thrown us out like garbage or even worse, we could end up in jail. The only way out was to silence him.
I wanted to abduct him. For a while,.. until we sorted things but Rudra always loved to mess things up.

Rudra : Are we gonna believe him ? He is clearl-....

Vansh : Shut up !! I said I want to hear him out.

Arav : I went to Raj and told him my needs. He was ready to consider our punishment but he wanted the money back. The company was almost bankrupt. Before I could respond, Rudra shot him !! Twice.
I saw him falling on the ground, while I held his hand. His lips were quivering, and he said "Veer knows !" .I remember his lips did fold into a smile. He knew , Veer would never spare us after what we did. Everyone was aware of his bad temper.
It was a dead end. At least that's what I thought.

(Brief silence )

Arav : I stood up and started yelling, when I realised Rudra was gone already. I knew he went to his brother. I thought he will apologize and blame me for all of it. I rushed there and saw him lying on the floor. I realised Rudra poisoned his drink. Since Rudra always knew his laptop password, he typed the suicide letter.
I was infuriated but he threatened me. It was my gun with which Rajveer shot. If any investigation had started I would have been in jail.
So, we sketched a plan. Rudra said to the police that he saw him drinking and could spot the cyanide bottles on the floor,when he came. I became the eyewitness of Veer shooting Raj. I never wanted to do this. I never-....

He falls on the ground with the thud and starts to lament. Everyone was shocked. Tears dripped-down Vansh's eyes. When a hand was placed on his shoulder, he turned around and said with his voice breaking...

V : Kabirr....!

K: Do you believe him ?

V: Should I ? He has always been my by my side. My guardian since the past 10 years. He has always stood by me. Should I believe this man over my uncle ? The man whom I don't even know ?

K : I can confirm he is not lying. Rudra Rai Singhania has played me as well.

The air in the room thickens with worry and silence, when Kabir continuous..

K : I have got the pistol of a Arav, used to kill my father. We can check if the bullet was really fired from this.
I have phone records stating Rudra and Arav were in constant touch, back then.
Mobile location is very difficult to track, since its long back but I'm sure we can get that as well.
The letter had incorrect spellings resembling the ones in Rudra's office documents.
CCTV blackouts never happened. It was the first time that day and Rudra has the SIM card of Arav even now.
Is this enough ? Or should I state some more points to prove that he is really a murderer.

Kabir's jaw stiffens while the Rai Singhania's shed heavy tears. Vansh was numb. He couldn't believe Rudra could ever do that but the evidences stated otherwise.

The silence breaks with Rudra's laughter. He had a gun in his hand.

Rudra : Be ? Really ? What brother ?

He screams.

Rudra : I was always an incompetent punk.  He believed that this company was possible only because of Raj's help. And what was I ? The poor young brother. I had to ask for money. Everytime.
He made me feel like a begger. Everyone around me praised him for being such a great man, loving brother, obedient son. I was so pissed that his love and hugs used to strangle me to death. I wanted money and this was the only way out.
So what ? I looted money from my brother, wasn't it supposed to be mine as well.

He slams the gun on the table.

Rudra : Here, have this...and kill me, dear son ! No ? Ahh ... I know you can't, vansh ! I have always loved this respect of yours. I wanted to use this to get all that you have. I wanted all of it and it was working fine, until this girl came.
Your attention, your schedules, everything changed you bought that. Just because she grew up there. Without even telling me ??
She took help from Kabir and this idiot helped her dig everything I wanted to hide.  Kabir's  motive  should have been to kill you, like always...but he went on scrutinizing about Raj.
I told him not to, but he did. Both my boys, my keys to this Empire were falling in love.
I wanted to kill her ,, but she escaped every time.

He steps near Riddhima with a devil's glare and crashed with a man. Her man !! Vansh.

V: Don't you dare !

Vansh places his hand over Rudra's chest, pushing him away. Meanwhile Kabir orders !

Kabir: Arrest him !

A number of police personnel storm in. Putting handcuffs and dragging him out.

Vansh : Thanks Kabir !!

Kabir : For what ? Trying to mend my mistakes ? Not attempting to kill you or hurt her ? For all the blunders I made ? Common brother.

Vansh : No. Thanks for returning ! I haven't seen this Kabir, my brother.. for a long while now.

Kabir : I have done horrible things and I don't want you to forgive me. I really feel pathetic ! I am sorry.

His chin dips down to his chest while tear drops hit the ground. Vansh walks upto him and places his arm on Kabir's shoulder.

Vansh : Do you really want me to comfort you now ? Because I am feeling bad seeing u cry and I really don't have the energy to tell you how gross u look with that runny nose.

Both of them smile at each other.

Suddenly shrieks echo around " Daadiii !! "

Dadi collapsed.
Everyone rushes her to the hospital.

End of part twenty nine.
Thank you for reading.

The next one-two chapters will be the final ones for this FF. It's a happy ending. I am gonna write it in RiAnsh Style !! ☺️❤️

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