Part 22: HIS GIRL !

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Moon hung gloriously in the night when Ridhima was glaring at the starry spread over her head.

Last time when she went to the terrace with Vansh,they were spending some quality time.

Her lips folded into a curve thinking,

"He asked me if I will be here forever and I was afraid to admit that I can't just stay. I thought whatever that drew me towards him, will eventually fade away. I didn't have an option to be with him and I feared to fight my thoughts, which kept saying that I could not fall for him. I was here as a spy ..but Vansh, you changed me. You raced my heart. I can't let you push me away after all this. I know you need time but once you are back, I will tell you everything. I won't let you leave me. I LOVE YOU VANSH ! I DO."

She said smiling brightly, fighting her tears. She decides to go to Vansh right now and tell him he was wrong. He can't be right all the time.

She rushes to his room and barges in ! Only to realise, he was not in his room. She looks for him in the washroom, waits for him.. for a while and anxiously starts to walk back and forth.

The slight chirruping of birds, faint warm sun rays, were the indications of dawn but he wasn't back yet. She looks up at the clock, it was 5 in the morning.

"Where is he ?" She places her hand over her chest, trying to calm herself down . She was breathing heavily and was freaking out.

" Angre ?... Yes .. Angre can help !!"
She runs downstairs.

"Angre ??.. Angre !!!..." She was shouting repeatedly.

"Riddhima..?? I am here." Angre says.

She turns back to look at him standing in the middle of the hall. He had worry lines over his forehead.

R: I...wh.. where is vansh ?
(She was panting)

A: He said he needed some time alone. so, I let him go but now, I am worried as well. He is not picking up calls and most importantly, he has never spent a whole night in solidarity. At least, not without informing me or dadi about it.

R: He has not contacted you since
he left ?

A: No..

Evident stress flashed on their faces with tiny droplets of sweat forming over their foreheads.

A: Maybe, we should wait for a little while. Last night, some of his old wounds have been tear open. He won't be back until he stops bleeding. He needs time to heal !

R: I was thinking, he might need heal. Much more than solidarity.

A: Hmm.. don't worry. He is too strong to break. He will be back by breakfast.

She nods dissatisfactorily and starts to retard back to her room.

A: Riddhima.. you should have told him.. how much you care. No one can hurt him more than you. You still have time.

He looks at her in the eyes as if he requested her to get Vansh back.

R: I will! Let him be back and I will tell him everything.

Angre nods a little and both of them head towards their respective rooms.

Even after the assurance of Angre, she couldn't convince her heart of his well being. She was anxious and couldn't control her self from crying her heart out. She could feel his scent in the room. His shirts, his belongings gave her a distinct relief.

R: I will wait for you here.

She says while clutching tightly one of his shirts. She sits on the bed and starts to roll down the memory lane. How they met.. how he held her.. those firey eye locks..thrill worthy touches.. shivers when he said he needed her.. and his love. Everything !

Sia : Riddhima ..?? Riddhima ..

Riddhima is interrupted by Sia. She opens her eyes to realise that she fell asleep on his bed and it was already 10 in the morning. She widens her eyes, springs to sit up on the bed and says..

R: Is he back ?

Sia: Who ? I came here to get you breakfast. You were not there on the table. I searched for you and saw you sleeping here.

R: ohh.. Where is he ? Vansh ? Is he not back yet ?

Sia: What ? He was not here ? the whole night ? Angre said he went to office early today.

R: uhh.. yeah. He might have left ! I don't know. I thought he was not here. So..Umm.. where is Angre ?
(Gives away a fake smile )

Sia: He is in the garden. Said, he had some important job to be done.

R: Oh.. okay. I have something to ask him. I will be back in a while! And thanks for the breakfast Sia... You can keep it on the table, I will have it.

Ridhima smiles and leaves while sia is confused and perplexed that her responses.

Sia: okayy..


Angre has gathered some of his officials in the garden, for a meeting. There is some indistinctive chattering going on between them when Ridhima reaches him panting and says..

R: We need to talk !

A: Hmm.. actually yes. We need to talk !

Her eyebrows grow closer in worry.

R: Please tell me he is fine..

Angre gestures everyone to leave and says , " we will communicate through special signals and rest you are aware of. Be quick and do your job cautiously. If there is any update, let me know !"

She notices everyone around and realises them to be Vansh's men. They were dressed in black, well built and were under Angre's supervision. Something might have happened !!

She takes in a very long and heavy breathe...

R: Can we talk now ?

A: Yes.

R: Where is-..

A: I don't know.

R: What do you mean you don't know? You said he will be back by breakfast.

A: I thought he needs time. I waited for him to come. Now, his phone has been switched off. I am trying to track him.

R: What do you mean ?

A: We are going to track his last location, where his phone was switched off and then we will proceed accordingly.

R: So ...did u get that ?

A: Not now.

R: It's all my fault ! I wanted to protect him from all this but I failed. I wish I grabbed his hand yesterday and forced him to listen how much I love him. To let him know why I did all this. I wish I held him close and never let go.

She starts to weep and falls down on her knees. She was broken.. Angre could sense her pain.

A: Don't worry. He will get back to you. I promise.

She rubs off her tears and says,
R: I can't be weak. I will get him back. I am HIS GIRL.

End of part twenty two.
Thank you for reading

She is stronger than before & better than ever. She is the Queen and knows how to fight.

Vansh will be back. She will get him.
But that's not the end of the story for sure.

Hope u like it. If you r disappointed, I am really sorry. And sorry for being late. There's a lot going I will try to be faster. ❤️❤️

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