Chapter Four: This Is Gonna Be Interesting.

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Things were pretty normal for a couple of days, going to class with the others was kind of fun, but day by day the number of people to show up grew smaller and smaller. This was apparently normal at the academy since it wasn't mandatory to show up to class as long as you hone your talents, it was still a bit disheartening though. Every once in a while you'd even had to skip class because you were helping one student or another, this happened to gain you several friends, or really, people that relied on you for help with their problems... After some time even Gundham started to ditch class. This continued until it was only you, Mahiru, Hiyoko, Fuyuhiko, sometimes Peko, Mikan, and Sonia left showing up to class. 

It was about a month into the school year at this point, that day you had to meet with a student who often relied on you for help under the guise that you were their friend. Everything went as normal, they were telling you about their problems and you gave some advice yadda yadda... Same old song and dance as always. Or so you thought, you were about to wrap things up when you felt a hand on your shoulder.

"(y/n) sorry to bother you but it's time for class." A female voice you didn't quite recognize said from behind you.

"What?" You turned to see a woman wearing an apron over a blue jacket and skirt with her long strawberry blonde hair tied into a ponytail. With her were a couple of people from your class.

"Excuse me, we're kinda in the middle of something." Said the person that you had been speaking to.

"I'm sorry but I've gotta steal her for a while." The woman said while actually picking you up and beginning to carry you to your classmates while you were just sitting there confused.

You soon found out that this woman was Chisa Yukisome and she was your new teacher. Gundham was there among the others at this point. 

After most of your class had been gathered you were all gathered in the classroom, Ms. Yukisome was talking about how there were only two more of our classmates to find. To this Hiyoko had made some fuss about how she felt "like her legs were going to fall off" to this Ms. Yukisome replied by telling us to clean the classroom.

"For real, haven't we suffered enough today..." Kazuichi huffed, immediately after Yukisome slammed two daggers into his desk right in front of him.

"You wanna talk suffering??" She had a scary smile on her face, this looked to scare him into submission. 

Yukisome hustled off to find our last couple of classmates and you guys were left to clean. you first went to check on Kazuichi, you could tell he was shaken up but you felt it would be good to try to comfort him a bit.

"Hey, you alright?" you asked

"Let's see, I was hit by a truck and then our crazy teacher pulls swords on me! So no!" He responds with a kind of spiteful tone

"This is what high school's all about!" Sonia says with a cheerful tone

"Oh yeah, you called it!" Kaz pipes up with an equally cheerful tone, a complete 180 from how he was before

You chuckled quietly and put your hand on your forehead 'he's hopeless...'  You turn around to see Gundham's hamsters helping him clean.... and then Mikan falling in a lewd position with cleaning equipment.... 'How does she even get like that from falling over?!' After helping Mikan up and resisting the urge to hit Teruteru with a chair you walk over to Gundham and his Devas.

"Hey, do you need any help or do they have you covered?" You offer

"Oh, (y/n), yes you may help" A slight smile teased at his lips as he handed you a feather duster

You took the duster and got to work dusting off the surfaces in that area of the classroom. About a minute later you were trying to reach a shelf that needed dusting badly 'shit I can't reach! Damn it I hate being average height!' as you struggled to reach you didn't realize someone was creeping up behind you.

"Allow me (y/n)." Gundham's voice appeared behind you which was slightly startling. Just as soon as he spoke he took the feather duster from your hand reaching the shelf with no problem.

"Um.. th-thank you..." You felt his body looming over yours. He was so close you could feel his warmth, it felt safe, you couldn't explain why.

"You're welcome." He backed off after dusting off the shelf it was at that moment you realized you were blushing. Luckily Gundham hadn't noticed before handing you back the duster.

'I- that was- WHY AM I SO FLUSTERED *insert intense internal screaming*' You stood there for a moment shocked at what just happened before going back to dusting.

By the time Yukisome was back with the last two students in your class, you were all seated making conversation.

Once everyone stopped talking Yukisome did some speech about reasons why she is forcing us to attend class when it isn't mandatory ending with saying she'd round us up again in the morning before letting us go for the afternoon.

"Yo (y/n), you read emotions, right? Was she serious about us going to class every day?" Akane questioned as you headed to the dorms

"I don't need to be an empath to know she was deathly serious, I mean she pulled daggers on Kazuichi..." You stated.

"Not just Kazuichi, she pulled one on Fuyuhiko too." Mahiru chimed in

"What's with that woman and daggers!?" Kazuichi yelled

"So she is serious..." Akane sighs

And that wasn't an understatement, she quickly rounded up anyone who hadn't shown up of their own accord. She did the same the next day as well, and the next. Eventually, everyone started to show up. After everyone was there Yukisome had some kind of team-building exercises set up in an attempt to bring your class together. It was kind of working, everyone seemed to be doing well and becoming closer. This was definitely going to be interesting.

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