Chapter Seventeen: Truth and Lies

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You walked hand in hand with Gundham in a comfortable silence back to the hotel entrance. When you walked into the building you saw a couple of your classmates chatting by the elevators when they noticed you two approaching they looked over.

"OMG COUPLES GOALS!" Ibuki exclaimed.

Nagito whom she'd been speaking to just smiled.

You slightly blushed, feeling awkward about the fact that she had brought attention to all of you by yelling. Gundham seemed to pick up on how you were feeling because he gave your hand a slightly comforting squeeze and looked at the pair.

"An equally perfect pairing could never exist, it would be foolish to set such a lofty goal." He smiled.

The little bell dinged and the doors to the elevator doors opened and the four of you clamored in, Nagito pushed the buttons for the floors that you each needed to go to and the elevator began to rise. There was still time to spare so you and Gundham figured you would hang out with Ibuki in your room for a little while, eventually, someone invited Kazuichi and the gang was all together again. You took a second to change in the room's bathroom and offered to give Gundham's jacket back but he said that you should continue to wear it which made Kazuichi and Ibuki gush over how adorable the situation was. Gundham didn't really like being called adorable though but they continued to say it just to mess with him. At some point, Gundham had chucked a pillow at Kazuichi for commenting on how adorable he was being. Kazuichi immediately just burst into laughter and hucked the pillow back at Gundham, he missed him entirely which just made everyone crack up more. But eventually, it was time for the class's planned outing and all four of you headed out to the beach where you were all supposed to meet up.

When you four arrived the sun had just gone down and several people were already there, you were practically on time but there were still some stragglers that still hadn't arrived. For some reason things didn't quite feel right, there was some kind of aura of resentment when someone would see your group. You didn't quite understand what was going on. You asked Kazuichi and Ibuki about it but they seemed to know just about as much as you did so you all thought it was best to split up and ask around. Something about the feeling coming off of everyone around told you that they probably wouldn't want to speak to you so you sat close to the water. Gundham joined you not wanting to leave you alone.

"I am sure things are alright, you do not have to worry." He said placing a hand over yours.

"I hope so. I just hope it's not something serious." Though the comfort was nice you still felt worried about what was going on.

Ibuki quickly walked over after getting the info from Mahiru.

"Uh, (Y/n)... So uh don't freak out but uh.... well..." Ibuki spoke carefully as she stood by the two of you.

Kazuichi suddenly came running "(Y/N) SONIA'S TELLING PEOPLE YOU ATTACKED HER!!"

"What??" You were genuinely shocked.

"Yeah, that-" Ibuki scratched her head.

"What!?" Gundham seemed absolutely pissed at the news.

Suddenly you all heard Ms. Yukisome call out for everyone as she noticed that everyone had arrived. When you walked over she announced that the food was finished for that nights barbeque.

You decided not to grab anything to eat and just stood off to the side, no one would have really wanted you around anyway. After a while you told Gundham it would be good for him to get something to eat, it took some convincing but he eventually agreed and left. 

"Aren't ya gonna eat?" Ms. Yukisome's voice startled you.

"I- Uh- No- Not at the moment." You fumbled for words.

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