Chapter Seven: Remembering Our Promise.

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"WOAH WAIT (Y/N), DID SOMETHING HAPPEN!?" Kazuichi must have assumed your silence meant you were thinking about what happened.

"No, not that I remember... I don't know, everything, after I ran for the door, is a blank." You were still trying to recall what happened.

"Ibuki knows! What if it's not what he did but what he thought about?" Ibuki had an overly confident expression as she spoke.

"What are you talking about?" You ask

"Everyone was thinking about doing lewd things, Gundham probably had lewd thoughts about (y/n)." She poked at you.

You laughed "Wait, are you serious? No. He only thinks of me as a friend." You check the time on your phone "And it's almost time for class, plus we don't even know if he's actually avoiding me, he could have just really needed to do something."


When you got to class there were only a few people in the room, anyone who was there was already seated at their desks fatigued from yesterday. You didn't really want to try to strike up a conversation so you just sat down at your desk and rested your head on it closing your eyes. 

"Good morning (y/n)!" you recognized the voice without opening your eyes.

"Morning Sonia, did you need something, cause now really isn't a good time." You responded

"Oh, is it not, my apologies then." You assumed she walked away after that.

You continued hearing people come into the classroom, although it was still just as quiet, so quiet you could hear a pin drop. Until you heard Ibuki call out for the class to stand and you did so reluctantly. Ms. Yukisome looked very energized that morning somehow, once everyone sat back down she began to speak.

"Okay, let's see some smiling faces out there!" She announced

"How the hell are you so perky today after what happened?" Kazuichi asked

"Let's just say this isn't Ms. Yukisome's first rodeo." She responded

"That must be why I feel rather energized today as well," Sonia added casually 

"So you've been to the rodeo?" Kazuichi asked seeming not to completely understand

"I- Do I even wanna ask?" You looked at Sonia confused

"Most likely not." Sonia smiled.

Yukisome continued by nominating Chiaki for class rep, everyone else seemed okay with it so you were too, she'd do good in that position, having already done something to help bring the class together and all. She ended up accepting it and then Nagito just had to ruin the moment.

Eventually, lunch rolled around, you figured you'd go talk to Gundham for a bit.

*Gundham's POV*

I kept thinking about yesterday's incident. 'I lost control of myself, and...' The image of (y/n) pulling me into a kiss flashed into my brain 'What does this mean... She seems to treat me no different than before, I know I cannot keep avoiding her forever. I didn't know what to do when she went limp in my arms...' I look down at one of my Devas scurrying down my arm then look up to where it was going.

"Aww, I guess you wanted to say hi too little buddy." (y/n) was standing there and she stretched out a finger to pet the Deva which it seemed to enjoy the others soon joined it.

"Good morning (y/n). It seems the Devas enjoy your company." I smiled

'Should I bring up what happened? Is that what she is here to talk about?'

"Crazy day yesterday huh?" She attempted to make conversation, I assumed as an opening to speak about what happened before when she passed out.

"Yes, it was quite eventful." I would never admit it but I was afraid of what she would say next.

"Yeah, hey are you okay? You seem a bit on edge." She asked

"I would like to apologize, I-" She cut me off

"Why are you apologizing? Did something happen?" She seemed genuinely confused.

'Does she not remember? I don't have the time to think! If she doesn't know what happened I shouldn't bring it up...' 

"No, my apologies. I was confused." I attempted to play it off

"Okay..." Her tone indicated that she did not believe me but I already knew she was not one to push for answers in these situations.

*Second person POV*

You knew there was something Gundham wasn't telling you, something happened that you don't know about. It had to be bad if he felt the need to apologize, but what could it be? You didn't want to push him for answers, you knew it would be best to wait for him to tell you on his own terms. You lightly pet the top of Cham-P's head with your index finger, letting a slight smile come across your face while remembering similar times from childhood. This brought back the memory of the summer before 4th grade and the promise you made.

"Hey, why did you have me make that promise back then?" You asked looking back up at Gundham.

He seemed taken aback, "Why do you ask?"

"It just came to mind, you never answered when we were kids." You reminisced 

"You were the only real friend I had, my younger self must have thought that making you promise not to leave would ensure you wouldn't. I was not very intelligent back then... But it is possible that the promise changed the winds of fate, our paths have crossed again. The promise of a budding overlord of ice and an angel changing their fates forever!" He laughed

"Well, this angel is glad that her path crossed with yours again." You smiled gently

He pulled his scarf over his face, "I am as well..."

The bell rang signaling that it was time to return to class.

You stood up and held your hand out to Gundham, "Shall we go Dark Lord?"

"Of course." His Devas scurried back into his scarf as he took your hand. 

When he grabbed your hand something felt different, it wasn't like when you were kids, the moment you felt him grab your hand everything just felt lighter. It was similar to the feeling you felt when he reached over you but not exactly, you couldn't explain it, part of you just didn't want to let go.

"(y/n)? Is everything alright?" He interrupted the moment you were having in your head.

You immediately let go of his hand, "Yeah! Sorry. Let's go!" You just began walking.

*Ah yes a Spring Break special Double Post! Hope you enjoyed these two chapters! I'm really happy that some people are actually enjoying this story, so thank you if you've been following it this long!*~Re

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