Chapter Two: Hello Again, Old Friend.

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It was finally the day you'd start your school life at Hopes Peak Academy. You woke up early so you'd have time to make the commute and get ready. The night before you picked out an outfit that you thought would make a good first impression with anyone you happened to meet, something that would show you off as being a bit professional but also still laid back, you wanted to make yourself seem just easy to talk to. You did your hair to look cute and finished up your morning routine. You and your mom and dad gave you a hug as you were on your way out, you didn't know it then but this was the last time you would see them, as yourself that is.

The train ride was a good couple of hours long luckily you were catching it so early that you were able to find a place to sit during the ride, you didn't plan for that outcome but it was the only time you could take the train and still arrive on time for the entrance ceremony so it just kinda worked out.

As time passed you just sat there looking through your phone getting messages from friends every once in awhile bidding you good luck with your school life and telling you that you defiantly need to keep in contact with them since now your not gonna be able to see them for a while. You end up arriving just a bit early, you could see some other first years walking into the school as well, and as you start getting closer to the front gate you could see a boy standing there smiling for a second before he looks a little sad and walks in the opposite direction to the main course entrance. I guess he's one of the reserve course students. You thought to yourself just before you stop at the entrance to the main course campus. I can't believe I'm going to this school! Damn, I hope the people here aren't all just stuck up jerks... 

"Woah this place is so big GAH!-" A guy said bumping right into you, he wasn't paying complete attention to the people around him, he was just gawking at the school seeming just as happy as you to be there

"I'm sorry are you okay?" You blurt out without a second thought looking at the guy

"Why are you apologizing? I ran into you, sorry for that by the way." He rubbed the back of his neck, he was kind of intimidating, to say the least, long pink hair, eyeliner, pink eyes, on top of all of that was his teeth, they were all sharpened to a point, all of this with the general way he carried himself made him look intimidating, but something about the way he talked gave you the notion that he was the absolute opposite at heart. "This school is just so friggen amazing! I never thought in a million years I'd be able to go here!"

"I understand how you feel, I'm pretty surprised myself that I got invited." You smiled

He continued walking in and you followed as he began to speak again "I guess we're pretty much in the same boat on that end. I heard there was a princess starting school here this year! I wonder what she'll be like." He seemed happy and excited

"Oh really that's awesome, so we get to meet an actual princess. Fun!" You say just kinda letting this guy talk and listening

"Oh yeah," He turns his head to look at you "The name's Kazuichi Soda, I'm the ultimate mechanic, and you are?"

"(y/n) (y/l/n), the ultimate Empath." You said turning your head to look at him for a moment as well

"It's nice to meetcha (y/n). So uh, what's an Empath?" He asked

"I can read people's emotions really well with very normally pinpoint accuracy." You answer

He looks surprised for a second "Can you tell how I'm feeling?"

"Well," You two stop for a moment and you look at him intensely scanning him with your eyes taking that moment to really try to get a read on him and you have kind of a somber expression when you begin talking "Kazuichi, at this exact moment you are very happy and excited but beneath all of that is a lot of anxiety and doubt, you are very kind and soft-spoken at heart but considering your appearance you're trying to mask tha-" 

He cuts you off "AH! Say no more!... Heh- You're good at that..." He looks kind of embarrassed as he rubs the back of his neck again.

"Sorry did I go too far?..." You ask

"Nah, you're fine. So like, do you read minds or something?" He seemed to get over the embarrassment quickly and began walking again

"Nope, I just notice feelings and make inferences based on how a person talks and acts." you follow

"Damn. So I'm gonna guess if it has to do with emotions there's no getting past you huh?"

"In some ways, I guess you're right about that"

"Lucky..." He sighs

The two of you then reach the door to the main hall of the school, you let him walk in first and then you walk in as well. You look around the area, people were already there before the two of you had arrived, some people talking others hanging out by themselves and then you felt a hand on your shoulder.

"(y/n)," He points to a blonde girl dressed in a fancy uniform with a black bow in her long hair, "That's that princess girl I was talking about earlier, I gotta go talk to her!" 

"Alright, I'll talk to you later then." You say as he saunters over to the girl

The princess had been talking to a boy before Kazuichi walked up, a boy with black hair styled up in a swirl with white strands and an undercut, one of his eyes was red while the other was grey with a grey scar over it, and paperwhite skin. Something in you thought he looked vaguely familiar but you couldn't completely tell why. When Kazuichi got up to the two it looked like the other guy just said his goodbyes and disengaged from the conversation he had been having with the princess.

 You stood alone for a while not exactly sure who to talk to glancing at Kazuichi trying to hold a conversation with the princess every so often and then at the boy she'd just been talking to, one time you glanced over and saw a hamster crawl out from under his scarf and onto his shoulder, he looked down at it proceeding to mumble something short to himself and then looked up, directly at you. You looked away quickly as to not make it seem like you were staring the last thing you saw was a kind of questioning expression on his face and the next thing you saw when you glanced back was him walking towards you. Fuck he noticed... I'll just tell him the truth, I confused him with someone that I used to know and-

"Pardon me." A deep voice said interrupting your thoughts.

AHHHHHHHHH!! Stay calm (y/n)! Stay calm! You looked up at the boy who had walked up to you "Oh! Uh, hi! Did you need something?" You nervously laughed.

"I apologize but one of my devas noticed you were staring at me from afar I-" He spoke very properly but you were too nervous to really pick up any definitive vibes from him. 

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to stare but well-" You pause for a moment thinking about what he just said and slightly smiled looking at the hamster

"Is everything alright?" He asked

"Sorry, it's just what you called your hamster... I- I had a childhood friend who called them the same exact thing... Heh, it's funny how much you actually look like him, that was the reason I was looking. I didn't mean to make things awkward." You explained in a less nervous tone.

The boy raised an eyebrow "Ah that is reasonable," He quietly mumbled before returning to normal volume "I already expect power such as mine would strike fear into the hearts of anyone in my near vicinity. I would not have blamed you if you would have wanted to know more but were intimidated by the fear of what may become of you had you approached me." He laughed.

You clear your throat brushing off his statement "Anyway... So um, I guess that everyone's just kinda introducing themselves to one another, um, my names (y/n) (y/l/n) and I'm the Ultimate Empath." You nervously introduced yourself.

"So, it was just as I had guessed..." The boy's demeanor changes quickly as he sort of half-smiles at you, "Hello again, old friend."

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