Chapter Eighteen: Reveal.

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And with that Gundham had outed your secret to everyone in the class, some shocked the revelation and other remaining skeptical. You understood the skepticism, Sonia had proclaimed proof of what you had been accused of doing, but you had none in their eyes. That was until Gundham gestured for you to show the real proof. You looked around the group as they awaited your next move before turning your gaze to Sonia. She was staring you down, everything about her demeanor was a threat to back down, yet you didn't. You nodded and turned your gaze to the ground as you pulled up part of one side of your shirt showing where one of the worst bruises was, it had healed significantly since the attack but it was still there. 

You felt the aura change once more, now settling on a silent mix of shock and remorse. Ms. Yukisome gestured for you to put the shirt back down. You complied. It was obvious that she was waiting on someone to explain, but you stayed silent, not because you wanted to, your mouth and throat just wouldn't let the words out. Luckily Gundham knew enough of the story to continue it even though you couldn't.

"The attack that caused this transpired about two weeks ago. Due to the circumstances (Y/n) did not believe it was safe to come forward. This is why she would not approach Sonia of her own free will." He was staring daggers at Sonia.

Now all of the attention fell back to Sonia.

"If it's true then why hasn't (Y/n) spoken since you brought her over?" Sonia questioned.

"It's a stressful situation, she doesn't have to explain that to you!" Kazuichi spoke up.

You had forgotten that to everyone else it was uncommon for Kazuichi not to take Sonia's side on things, she was especially shocked that even he wasn't on her side this time around. If the lack of shock about the situation didn't already, this made her realize that you had already told him. She openly gave you an angry look causing you to more noticeably hide behind Gundham.

Ms. Yukisome broke the silence with a short sigh, "To say I'm disappointed is an understatement." She looked at both you and Sonia, "I would have preferred that this didn't happen in such a public situation, and it is upsetting that no one who knew of this situation told me about it before now."

You gave Ms. Yukisome an apologetic look.

"But further deliberation on the topic and any punishment that has to do with it will be postponed until after the trip. For now, let's try to enjoy the time we have here." She finished, she didn't have as much energy behind her words as normal, but that was understandable given the situation. 

She finally gestured for the group to disperse, once it did, she went to speak with Sonia elsewhere.

During the rest of the barbeque, some of your classmates would come up and ask how you were doing or apologize for what happened. They seemed to understand that it wasn't a good time to really ask about it. 


The rest of the trip was alright, though after that night there was always a slightly heavy feeling in the air. It would disappear for a few moments when other excitement was going on but would reappear directly afterward, this endless cycle continued throughout the rest of the trip. It was still enjoyable though, the most fun you'd had in a long time in fact, but some part of you felt guilty for the mood being dampened most of the time.

On the flight home, everyone made sure that you and Sonia were as far apart as possible. This left you in a seat in between Nagito and 'Ryota'. As soon as Nagito had sat down next to you, you noticed something was wrong.

"Nervous flyer?" You asked when he was done fastening his seatbelt.

"Me? Oh. Uh yeah, you could say that..." He let out a nervous laugh.

You placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder, "I'm sure everything's gonna be okay," You had a genuine comforting tone that always just kind of took over in times like these, "There's a lot you can do to try to keep yourself distracted, and if that doesn't work I'll try to help in any way I can."

Nagito slightly smiled and his once stiff posture relaxed a bit, "Thank you, (Y/n)..."

After take-off, you noticed the tension in him had begun to build again. You grabbed two pairs of earbuds and a dual adapter from the small bag you'd had slightly tucked under your seat and pulled up a playlist of songs that you found relaxing on your phone offering him one of the pairs so he could listen to it as well. This was originally for you and your boyfriend on the flight over but you found it useful in this situation as well. He took the earbuds mouthing a slight 'thank you' before putting them in, the music slightly put him at ease for a decent amount of the flight.

Every time some bit of turbulence hit Nagito would slightly squeeze your forearm that was on the armrest. Because of all of this, you really didn't get much rest on the flight but you didn't mind it was just something that you had to deal with.

Soon enough the long flight had come to an end and everyone was on the bus ride back to Hope's Peak. Nothing really eventful happened on the way back from the airport, you were passed out for most of the ride.

It had turned out that the school had suspended Sonia for a few weeks in light of what she'd done. Unsurprisingly, her suspension was kept away from the press and handled privately, it was rumored that not even her parents knew about what had happened. It was fine though. After everything, Mikan all but demanded to take a look at your injuries even though they'd had a few weeks to heal, as you expected nothing was broken and everything was healing normally. You did appreciate her concern though. 

In the end, the entire thing blew over, and things went on as normal. When Sonia returned from suspension she apologized, even though she didn't completely mean it, and said she had realized that her actions were wrong. You accepted her apology and that was that. Even if you didn't truly forgive her you were ready for it all just to be over, and the two of you pretended to be 'friends' after the fact for the mutual benefit that no more attention was going to be brought to the incident.

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